Conditions have changed in a big way over the last two years. The two impacts are habitat and deer numbers.
Areas that in wet years can support lots of deer can not support even a ground squirrel now. So the deer move to places they can forage. Not so simple as find the water find the deer, The deer are getting hammered big time on the water holes by kitty cats. So where to hunt? find the plants that have access to water below ground. The pockets that hold a bit of green grass or the scrub that looks like its in better condition. The deer will be in that area. It's their only play right now. eat food that that has as much water in it as possible to stay away from the kill zones that the water holes have turned into. Places that in the past are holding zero deer right now. Other places are holding deer that typically do not.
Deer numbers are down but they are not that down, They just moved away from where you are hunting.
fyi my friend that hunts a31 just tagged out with his second buck. he hunts public dirt with in 100 yards of a paved road. he also scouted 20 times before the season started.

He abandoned his normal tree stand locations and moved to where the deer were