Returning to CA


New Member
So I am returning to California after a 5 year break while in the military. Used to hunt when I was younger, coyote, small game, dove. Used to hunt with a .308 and air rifle. Hunted in Hawaii with a recurve. I'm looking to get hunting again so ill be looking for help on here and using the meetup section or whatever its called. I am moving to lake forest if anyone's nearby, used to do a bit of hunting in Cleveland National Forest or random BLM land.
You're sure you want to move back here? The PRK (Peoples Republic of Kalifornia) ain't what it used to be. Everyone I know is trying to get the hell out!
Ya I'm sure, even if my hunting and gun related activities are getting difficult my motorcycle hobby cant be beat in CA. I may move later on but its the only place I have to go right now.
Good weather, mediocre cheese and Happy cows!

Welcome to SCH...