Santiago Park Archery Range in Santa Ana Ca. (Grand Re-Opening)


“Venison” It’s what’s for dinner!
Feb 3, 2011
Santiago Park Archery Range in Santa Ana Ca. has been around for a long time. It’s in the heart of Orange County and has been in danger of being shut down many times. The most recent was a few years ago when people started to petition to turn it into a dog park. We united, stood up and saved our little slice of the park and now have the support of the city. Recent movies with archery in them like Brave and Hunger Games have also helped gain interest in our sport and got the kids involved again. It’s a great place to practice, sight in, and get tips from the local pro’s.

Santiago Park Archery Range is going to start their first Flint round shoot this Tuesday evening at 7pm till 9pm under lights on August 7, 2012 at the New Outdoor/Indoor range. This event will be each Tuesday evening during the year weather permitting. The range has all new Excelsior bales and yardage markers, also the shooting lanes are marked above each target. We have New collapsible bow racks for your bows, clip boards and score cards, targets and 2 new park benches. All this was accomplished by Nick Blakely for his Eagle Scout project and help from the club members. When shooting a FLINT ROUND the total arrows are 56 arrows. One large target and four small targets at each lane. Four arrows each end and the last end is a walk up, one arrow at 30, 25,20,and 15 yards. Repeat the second half. If you are not familiar with the Flint Round don't be concerned , as it will all be explained to you.. Everyone is welcome, only children need to be accompanied with a parent or guardian. Refreshments will be serviced. There will be a donation of $3 per person to pay for the targets, etc. Tell your archery friends and have them join us.

(Background on Nick)

Nick Blakely goal was to earn his Eagle Scout Badge approximately a year ago, only he received news that he has cancer and his project was put a hold. After a long and a rough go with treatments Nick cancer is now in REMISSION and he wanted to complete his goal. Nick had young people along with adults working together as a team to get the project completed along with our club members and city officials, under his Leadership. Nick contacted Easton Foundation, Home Depot and others for the supplies. The layout of the field is to specifications of the NAA. He had bow racks made, benches, all new bails installed in the building, markers for each yardage and lines to each yardage marker, also targets made. In addition to that we have lanes posted at each bale above the building. Let’s all show up for the Grand Re-Opening with the cutting of the ribbon, and the first arrow shot by Nick. This Tuesday night and show our appreciation for all the hard work he did FOR US. He worked very hard and put in long hours so we could enjoy the sport of archery and have fellowship of one another. Don't forget your bow and arrows for the shoot.
See you there.
FYI 95% of this post was copied from the Gene's email to me, The President of the Santiago Park Archery Range. Gene has also done a lot to make this all happen. Thanks Gene!

See you there tomorrow night. My kids will be the ones raiding the free cookies. ;D

Awesome congrats to everyone who worked so hard to both save and restore that range..

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