Ok, we made it back alive!! We saw one deer cross the trail about 100 yards ahead of us but it was dark, about 9:30, and we couldn't tell if it was a buck or not. Checked all 4 cameras after only a 5.5 day soak, and two of the four cameras had hits. Unfortunately, the one that had the most hits was directly on the trail we were going to take up to our overnight stakeout spot. Because of all the deer captured on the camera, we decided not to go up at night, because all of them were passing through between 1:30 am and 4:00 am. So, we hung out a few hundred yards away from where the trail and camera were and waited till this morning.
My estimation on the amazing vantage point that would be afforded by getting to the top of this hill was spot on. From the summit, if I walked 20 feet one way, I could see clearly the entire valley area where my first cameras were set up, which had hits. 20 feet the other way and I could see the entire valley where my other cameras had hits. And of course the trail I followed to the top was heavily used, as there was scat, chewed vegetation, tracks everywhere, and multiple deer on multiple days since last Sunday morning.
Having said all that, I believe I have found where I will hunt my first deer season. I still haven't seen any bucks up there yet, but hopefully they'll show up during the rut. I'll take one more trip up there in two weeks to check the cameras before I head to Alaska.
Thanks again for all the wisdom and insight.... much appreciated!!
Here's a doe and a fawn on my north valley camera.
Here's the trail I followed to the top of the hill. By the way, what is the proper name for this stuff? I just call it "knee-high grass". Also, I saw several dozen flattened areas in this type of grass, where clearly an animal had laid down. Would deer typically use this as a regular bedding area, without any cover? Or would they more likely be temporary napping areas? Sorry if thats a dumb question.
What I believe to be chewed vegetation
One of the deer on my central trail
Same deer, or possibly another, about 8 minutes later
Taking a 45 minute power nap at 3:15 this morning....with skittles.
Arriving at the camera with the Meat Wagon in tow.