I saw him in concert mid 2000s he’s an animal. I like this video kind of hits close at home for me right now. I have started becoming more and more successful each season and honestly I wasn’t super stoked on that last buck I shot. I loved the adventure, the experience, and the meat but the kill just was nothing like it was for me in the past. It’s a weird time for me I am starting to want to shoot bigger animals not just get something down. I guess it’s a natural progression. I don’t think it is driven by wanting to impress people I think it’s more of a personal challenge. I like the chess game of hunting and finding a big animal is like another level to that game.
Right now I think I am more stoked getting my kids animals than I am shooting my own. We are headed over to AZ for a week in a few weeks with youth tags, no spike is safe on that hunt.