infidel said:Anyone had and personal success of one standing down to you and avoiding you all together? And what worked for you? I tell all my partners when I'm hunting or diving I will cut them then out run them 9 times out of 10 encounters.
infidel said:That had to be pretty exciting. So a dominate stance and war cry worked for you guys.
longbowhunter2 said:skip the first part watch the last part of the video
Jag takes down a caiman.
it amazes me how powerful these cats are.
infidel said:Haha check.
Here's a thought. House cats hate water guns who wants to test this theory out on the top of the Southern California food chain? Just a big squirt to the face
sluester said:Can't find an article I found on the number of nuisance cat permits given out. It said they issue and kill more than they would if they let hunters kill them.
sluester said:With as many cats as you guys seem to see why aren't there more attacks?
Can't find an article I found on the number of nuisance cat permits given out. It said they issue and kill more than they would if they let hunters kill them.
In 25 plus years hunting locally I've only seen 2.
wackums back said:WAY to close for comfort. We're talking waking up from a nap to a cats head buried in your pack mere 2 ft away.
TonyS said:Got news for you guys: "It's the ones you don't see stalking you are the ones you might not walk away from" is the truth.
If any of you spend anytime away from the roads you have been stalked or at least watched. Long tail are everywhere in this state.
I once had a conversation with a woman sitting in the booth at Caspers. She informed me that she "had been there for ten years and NEVER saw a mountain lion". So I entered the park knowing she was full of it. Sure enough, park and walk less than 50 yds from where I parked by the horse corral and there you are. Right across the creek from the horse corral is a 90-100 lb lion trying to figure out how to snack on those horses.
This was less than 200 yrds from where 'informed granny park ranger' was sitting.
Remember they are always around. They are deliberately hard to see. They aren't going to move until you are a snack.