Been looking into spearfishing lately, I was wondering if theres anyone near Camp Pendleton who could show me the ropes? Or just someone with advice on things like licenses, gear to buy, where to go(if thats acceptable to ask, I know its not with hunting) ect. Thanks.
There's a couple of divers on here that have posted some big fish. I haven't dove in several years now so I'm not your best resource but I can offer some general pointers. First off, before finding good dive spots find out where NOT to go, i.e., MLPAs. Might also recommend joining up with a group like the SD Freedivers, to find like-minded guys and buddies that will join ya. As for gear, here's a basic list:

Speargun and/or 3-prong ("Hawaiian sling")
Weight belt
Dive float w/ flag
Tag line, stringers, clips, etc.
Dive light (optional, for night hunts/lobsters)
Fishing license

As for dive spots, those are closely guarded as are hunting spots on land. You might want to start out doing shore dives, kicking out to the inshore reefs and small kelp beds. Then as you get comfy (or bored) with that, maybe invest in a kayak or, if you're a gladiator, swim out to the real kelp beds for some bigger action. Good luck, maybe I'll get back into it and join ya one day.
SurfNHuntSD pretty much covered the gear. I'd recommend getting a speargun and not a polespear. Read the fishing regulations and know what fish to shoot and what to leave alone (no catch and release in spearfishing). The visibility is pretty bad these days close to shore but hopefully it clears up soon, tons of places to dive in North County. Take a freedive class if you can afford it.

These guys meet once a month and are very beginner friendly: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sandiegonorthcountywaterdogs/

Also, the San Diego Freedivers are very active. http://www.sandiegofreedivers.com/

If you have any questions feel free to PM me.