I have been wanting to start up some predator hunting and I got a Foxpro and a AR in .204 for when archery deer season is over. But when the Foxpro showed up in the mail I couldn’t help sticking it in my pack this morning. I haven’t seen the buck I’m after in two weeks but the coyotes are in there thick. I saw 6 from the stand the last morning out so I knew they would be around.
At 9:15 AM today a single coyote came strolling in and got smacked with a Rage Hypodermic at 43 yards. He spun around 5 times and dropped. 20 minutes later I tried the call for the first time. I set the video camera on record and strapped the remote to my leg so I wouldn’t drop it out of the tree-stand. It was only on for 30 seconds when all hell broke loose. Three coyotes came charging in to the call and were just 20 yards under me. They came up to the caller, smelled it and ran but one stopped for a second to look back and got stuck. I changed the call and one came back looking for their fallen partner and I almost got off a shot on a triple, but he smelled the arrow on the ground that went through the first one and jumped backwards. In all my years hunting this spot I have never seen a fawn due to the coyote problem and hope I helped out a little. 30 minutes later I tried it again with a kitten in distress call and 3 more came in but bolted when they saw me move in the stand to get ready. Total 7 coyotes seen for the day, and no deer.
Stay tuned for the video.
At 9:15 AM today a single coyote came strolling in and got smacked with a Rage Hypodermic at 43 yards. He spun around 5 times and dropped. 20 minutes later I tried the call for the first time. I set the video camera on record and strapped the remote to my leg so I wouldn’t drop it out of the tree-stand. It was only on for 30 seconds when all hell broke loose. Three coyotes came charging in to the call and were just 20 yards under me. They came up to the caller, smelled it and ran but one stopped for a second to look back and got stuck. I changed the call and one came back looking for their fallen partner and I almost got off a shot on a triple, but he smelled the arrow on the ground that went through the first one and jumped backwards. In all my years hunting this spot I have never seen a fawn due to the coyote problem and hope I helped out a little. 30 minutes later I tried it again with a kitten in distress call and 3 more came in but bolted when they saw me move in the stand to get ready. Total 7 coyotes seen for the day, and no deer.
Stay tuned for the video.