Well the white tail in not the big Muley I have been chasing around but I as time was going by I felt like I couldn't pass any more bucks up. And it's my first whitetail. But anyways before I shot him, he was fighting with a mule deer, which was odd. But a sheep hearder was pushing his Heard through a creek bottom with a bunch of meadows so it pushed him up. The zone I got him in I could only shoot a whitetail unless I drew a Muley tag but on the other side of the creek was anything. About 5 minutes after I shot I heard other shot form the direction my dad and cousin were. My cousins had the mule deer draw tag, he ended up with an alright Muley. After me and my other cousin got the truck and drug my deer down we went back up the mountain to get my cousins, now time to concentrate on an elk! 

And I caught a few trout a couple hours before all this

And I caught a few trout a couple hours before all this