Using a trap rig for big rock fish


I went out yesterday on a public boat out of Morro Bay for rock fish. A while back a guy taught me to use a trap rig to catch big lings. I was a believer when I noticed every fish he brought up was a monster ling. Nothing small. Here was his setup: barrel swivel that can slide up and down the main line. The end of the main line had another barrel swivel attached to the end. The barrel swivel at the end of the main line had about 5" of line attached to a heavy weight. The sliding barrel swivel had a leader attached with a single hook. That hook was attached to a treble hook. He used whole squid with the single hook up front and the treble hook stuck into the squid towards the bottom.

I used this and was only catching lings, which is what I was after. After catching some short lings and a really nice big fat red, I started getting hung up. Time and time again, each time losing my weights. I eventually had to switch to a simple shrimp fly and start fishing like everyone else on the boat (irons seemed to be a bust).

My question this: Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this just an inherent danger of using a trap rig over rocks? It's pretty much a halibut setup. I was using a torpedo weight as well. Will this rig work if I fish it a few feet off the rocks?

Anybody with some experience with this setup? I know the obvious answer is fish it with the weight off the rocks but will this setup still work?
When I fish over rocks with a weight on bottom, I get hung up.

I know some guys use lighter line on that bottom section, or otherwise contrive a 'weak link' there, so the weight can break off easily and you can get the rest of the rig back. I would think the thinner (torpedo) weight would help reduce hang ups. Maybe try a slinky weight (buckshot in parachute cord), which can be made super thin.