You've received some very good replies so far. I will add a few things that I have used and liked:
1. Snow Peak Giga with piezo starter (pocket stove).
2. Consider your cookware carefully. I've gone through a couple versions, but for my last trip, I found a new system. You can get titanium, etc., but the best value-to-weight ration I found came from the kitchen section at WalMart. Here at the El Cajon store I found these aluminum cups that come in two sizes, and cost less than $2, if I recall correctly. The are made by IMUSA. Here's a link: and They don't come with lids, but you can fashion a lid out of a beer can but cutting the top and bottom off, then slicing it up the side and laying it out flat, then pinching the sides over. Stupid-looking, stupid-cheap, and stupid-LIGHT!
3. You don't have to get fancy with titanium utensils. You can get by pretty well with one of those plastic sporks, with a spoon on one end and a fork on the other. Use what works for you, but that's what I use now.
4. If you're going to an area that has clean water (like melting off the glacier), with no livestock around or people bathing/peeing in it, or mining operations nearby, you can just take a little bottle of bleach with you, and add about 10 drops per quart (I think- check first), shake well, then put some of the treated water on the threads of the bottle and cap, and let it sit for 30 minutes. Or, you can carry a pump AND treat with bleach. I prefer not to carry the extra weight.
5. Tarp shelter. I carry a tarp shelter that weighs 2lbs and change, but is large enough for 3 adults in a pinch, or two comfortably. It's really too big for my solo trips, but it's what I have. I also bring a mosquito net that I hang underneath.
6. Sleeping pad: WalMart, about $15, blue foam lumpy kind (it's a few bucks more than the other, but is more flexible), cut down to the right size.
7. Sleeping bag: Big Agnes Lost Ranger, only a 20 degree bag though.