Spent the last few days up north hunting Tejon Ranch as a guest. Had a nice cabin, 10 hunters, ended up with some nice takes. Our Group, the "A" team went 4 for 5. Never can figure these piggies out. Sometimes they are all over the place, other times they are super hard to find. This time the recent rains hurt a bit. The pigs don't go far as everything was soaked and moist. The ground was nice to walk through though. Mornings were scarce. Did catch a couple Sows out in the wrong place at the wrong time. So happy to see them so close to level ground as we kept them whole this time. Weighed out at a respectable 140 and 170 gutted. Still wondering about that Full Moon and if it had an impact...
Morning opportunities were scarce. Then the hiking came in. Put in up to 8 miles each day boots on the ground cutting sage and oak. Rustled up two single young boars who ran into some copper. That in addition to the two sows. Those boars were high up, alone, under sage bushes and let you get within 10 feet before they ran. They hold tight to the end. Everybody ran "down" this trip.
Most important take-a-way for me was the conditioning. Last year I was hurting, huffing and puffing. These hunts start at 3500' above sea level so you go up a couple thousand feet more and you figure it out fast. I have been hiking Cowles Mtn daily and its starting to pay off. PIC of me with my rifle on my legs is after climbing straight up 1000' to post up over a nice canyon while my buddy went up another 500' to flush em out. Found tons of scat, fresh track, smell, but they had just left...maybe smelled us. Note had perfect cell service out in the middle of nowhere up there. Was texting while kicking back. Small world now with technology.
Absolutely beautiful countryside out at that place. Saw bobcats, turkey, lion tracks, and of course a few dead piggies. I really think I might be starting to like hunting more then deep sea fishing.
Couple PICs (Note Tag was taken off for PIC just before hanging/cleaning)...the Weatherby went in the back of the head of the other and did some dental work so not a great pic...

Morning opportunities were scarce. Then the hiking came in. Put in up to 8 miles each day boots on the ground cutting sage and oak. Rustled up two single young boars who ran into some copper. That in addition to the two sows. Those boars were high up, alone, under sage bushes and let you get within 10 feet before they ran. They hold tight to the end. Everybody ran "down" this trip.
Most important take-a-way for me was the conditioning. Last year I was hurting, huffing and puffing. These hunts start at 3500' above sea level so you go up a couple thousand feet more and you figure it out fast. I have been hiking Cowles Mtn daily and its starting to pay off. PIC of me with my rifle on my legs is after climbing straight up 1000' to post up over a nice canyon while my buddy went up another 500' to flush em out. Found tons of scat, fresh track, smell, but they had just left...maybe smelled us. Note had perfect cell service out in the middle of nowhere up there. Was texting while kicking back. Small world now with technology.
Absolutely beautiful countryside out at that place. Saw bobcats, turkey, lion tracks, and of course a few dead piggies. I really think I might be starting to like hunting more then deep sea fishing.
Couple PICs (Note Tag was taken off for PIC just before hanging/cleaning)...the Weatherby went in the back of the head of the other and did some dental work so not a great pic...