I miss Wister…
The days of 7 pintail, the morning flight silhouetted against the chocolate mountains, Max Berg and the Spottsman Catering trailer, the smell of arrow weed, the sight of snows lifting off next to the old Check station lot and just watching them fly over. The number of Honkers we used to see. Walking a dike and creating our ‘fort blind’ which included burlap nailed onto stakes that we would stick in the ground.
Wearing old jeans and tennis shoes to wade ponds as dad couldn’t keep us 3 boys in ‘real’ waders, and eventually getting a pair of stocking foot rubber wader pants with elastic should straps.
The walk up to the check station with our birds as everyone waiting wanting to see how we did. Laying the birds on the screened table for staff to check them and always good conversation…. Many times as sweat dripped off our nose.
And being happy to just get old with dad and even a single Spoony could make our day especially if we didn’t sink our feet too deep in the ‘mud’.
God bless you Wister hunters. It’s different but what a thrill.
Good luck as you finish up this season