I had a couple antelope tags that I got the opportunity to fill Saturday. I didn't get any pictures of the animals but was able to make sure the 30-06 works before elk season! Dropped one at 100 yards, one at 275 yards, and my brother took his with a perfect neck shot at 325 yards. The Barnes 168 grain did impressive work on all three, none of them even flinched. What was more impressive to me was that they actually ruin less meat then I had thought. My 100 yard shot exited through the front shoulder. It did give about a 3" exit wound. However, the all copper bullet left no fragments and no bloodshot meat around the hole.
Picture is of tonight's antelope spaghetti with zucchini noodles!

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Picture is of tonight's antelope spaghetti with zucchini noodles!

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