A lot of thanks go out to this memorable hunt. Andy being a good sport, my Uncle that passed away and gave e the 30-06, Daryl in the Leupold Custom shop for the sweet works on the scope, John and Joe from Fine Firearms for the reloading convo's and in stock supplies.
On to the hunt....After riding a bike through East and North SD County fundraising for three days I jumped in a truck and headed to Central Wyoming to a buddies. On the ticket this year were big muleys, plentiful antelope and white tail doe. Got up there and it was BLOWING more than this election. Sustained winds of 35mph with gusts over 50, sleet, rain, snow. Then finally it broke and we got up on the mountain. Andy was first to fill his tag with a very nice 24" 4x4. Buddy and I trekked higher and found two other hunters (oddly from CA),that just dropped a 3x4. We decided to head to another bowl and glass. As we slip in we see some does and a big bodied buck about 350. Buddy says "YOU NEED TO SHOOT HIM NOW", I put the hairs on him see he's wide and freaky and let one fly into the pump house. He's moving towards private so I put two more in him and he drops finally. Not scored yet but he's a 10X6 with little sharp nubs all over his points. True bruiser that was blind in one eye scarred up and some other hunter grazed him across his neck recently, about three inches lower and I wouldn't have met this big guy.
Buddy was pissed saying he should have shot that buck but, hey that's the sign of a good friend! We've been talking about this for years and finally made it happen. I just started reloading my own bullets with gear my Uncle passed on to me and the rifle so it was a very emotional and fitting hunt. Sorry not much of a story teller, just like to get out there and do it when I can.
Deer on the frame was harvested opening day by another buddy.

Thanks for the support.
On to the hunt....After riding a bike through East and North SD County fundraising for three days I jumped in a truck and headed to Central Wyoming to a buddies. On the ticket this year were big muleys, plentiful antelope and white tail doe. Got up there and it was BLOWING more than this election. Sustained winds of 35mph with gusts over 50, sleet, rain, snow. Then finally it broke and we got up on the mountain. Andy was first to fill his tag with a very nice 24" 4x4. Buddy and I trekked higher and found two other hunters (oddly from CA),that just dropped a 3x4. We decided to head to another bowl and glass. As we slip in we see some does and a big bodied buck about 350. Buddy says "YOU NEED TO SHOOT HIM NOW", I put the hairs on him see he's wide and freaky and let one fly into the pump house. He's moving towards private so I put two more in him and he drops finally. Not scored yet but he's a 10X6 with little sharp nubs all over his points. True bruiser that was blind in one eye scarred up and some other hunter grazed him across his neck recently, about three inches lower and I wouldn't have met this big guy.
Buddy was pissed saying he should have shot that buck but, hey that's the sign of a good friend! We've been talking about this for years and finally made it happen. I just started reloading my own bullets with gear my Uncle passed on to me and the rifle so it was a very emotional and fitting hunt. Sorry not much of a story teller, just like to get out there and do it when I can.
Deer on the frame was harvested opening day by another buddy.

Thanks for the support.