:'( My wife just brought a tear to my eye this afternoon. to start..... We filled the crew cab up early today with wife 3 kids and my dad for a morning rabbit hunt. nothing! so we ended up at oak tree shooting sporting clays. For months ive been talking to her about upgrading to a longer barrel 12G gun. she has been shooting a youth 20G semi auto escort for years. its a fine gun with a great pink camo paint job (by us) it has 1000's of rounds and has been beaten around pretty good. she likes it becasue it has a short LOP and is very light plus it swings FAST due to a 22" barrel. she is pretty small and has short arms. she loves the gun and shoots trap in the 80% pretty regularly. But she is missing some longer shots. with wanting to get into Duck this year this may be an issue. does any one know of a 12G youth shot gun? Or do you think an extended choke might help?