Can't find my buck!

this is awesome... thanks to all helping a fellow hunter out!! and yes post up the pics of the dog at work and hopefully the recovery. good luck guys
So we found him

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Keep at it, I hope you find him. Sometimes they live... Picture is of a scar from a broad head, went through both sides of this deer. I bet the hunter counted this buck as good as dead when he didn't find..


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That's really cool. Write up a story Akrem44. People on here are dying to read it.

Nice job MJB
One of the worst feeling I ever had losing a deer.....Outstanding job on finding your buck.....And congrats on getting him in the 1st place...... ;)

Good job on killing him and good job to MJB on helping a fellow hunter out.

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NICE Bro.......I asked my boss for permission to go look for the buck.. nevermind he told me shut up!! and go back to work..haha

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That is one of the reasons we hunters are awesome, we might not give up our "honey holes" but we aren't scared to help others out!!!!! Put that in your peta pipe and smoke it
Mark, you are awesome. I'm off to Wyoming in the morning, and if I have any luck, Zoe has some venison liver in her future.