4.6.19 Scouting D12


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2019
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
I was out picking up some traps this morning in D12 and was in range of a spot I had been wanting to check out. Only had a few hours to spend but hiked in a mile or so and setup some trail cameras. Spotted lots of tracks along the trails both pawed and hoofed. Going to let that simmer for a month and go back and spend the day out there.

Heading to D16 next weekend, I got a lead on a turkey.



I see deer out there often but it is almost always the first 30 minutes of day light. Get high and get big glass you will see deer come out of seemingly no where. They tend to water first thing in the morning. I think it’s last thing they do before they hold up for the day to beat the heat.
I take it this area is like high desert.
If so be careful my friend.
If you hunt this area start storing water while it's cool.
Try to find shade on the north side of the hills. And if you find an Artesian well. That would be golden
Good source of water.
Look to see were all the tracks merge . Mostly likely water there.
I was thinking about the water yesterday, I usually have 2qt’s on me and 4qt’s on my pack. I could of left the 4qt’s yesterday but need a cheap alternative to store it in. I guess I could carry and empty gallon water jug with a twist cap to leave out there.

I found a nice elevated area that would give me about a 1 mile 180 degree view of the field they would need to pass through out of the mountains to get to the only source of water I could find for them about two miles away.

Shade is scarce especially on tops of the hills where I plan to sit. I was thinking about using a military 1/2 shelter, it would give me a nice low cover in the prone position, easy to set up and light to carry. I think I would have to be there early morning or late evening during the summer, the temperature was +25 degrees from OC yesterday, was pushing 90 degrees around noon. I have a blind that packs well I have been using for turkey but the blacked out interior would bake me out there.
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A Shelter from the sun is a most welcome sight. Would a light pop blind work.
As a kid I built a fort in the middle of the desert. Dug a square fox hole covered it with a 4x8 sheet plywood.
Made a tunnel entrance. Covered the board with dirt and light rock.
It was 59deg. In middle of summer. Lol.
I was more agile then lol.
But something like that would be good to store water...

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