
Well-Known Member
Anybody notice a trend of new (to the draw) duck hunters pulling more rezzies than long time reservation hunters?

I had three different, new to the system hunters all pull reservations last season, one of these clowns hit the lotto 4 times. 3 at SJ 1 AT WISTER and pretty good numbers
one of the others got SJ X 2 and the other pulled one at SJ and 1 at wis.

Myself on the other hand 2 draws in 6 seasons of putting in.

And we all only put in for some random wednesdays and saturdays not everyday, and only SJ AND WISTER.

Anyone see this trend?
I don't see it...Got drawn 4 times last year....2 San J and 2 Wister...No draws for Kern...Every Wednesday & Saturdays.

ps...3 years ago, 5 times, 2 years ago once...Just luck IMO
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I also noticed this trend so when my daughter got her license and I applied every Saturday for Kern, Wister and San J I figured she get at least a few reservations. Well so much for the trend of newbies getting drawn more than the others. She didn't draw one ressi.......oh well
Can I enter? I’m a rookie, never been to Wister. If I win can someone guide me?
I’ve only been there 4 times but I will guide you!! Two of those times were real good hunts! One of those times we had a good spot but blew it by skybusting. Dad stands up and shoots at a pintail way up there, he just shot once. I didn’t understand that, if you are going to skybust a pintail you should absolutely give it three shots.
So a real question for you refuge guys. What stops you from hunting public land or venturing out to places with no draw.
So a real question for you refuge guys. What stops you from hunting public land or venturing out to places with no draw.
I’ve thought about going up to Owens Valley, the only reason I haven’t is because I keep putting it off for next year. I need to schedule a weekend to go up and hunt and explore. I’ll probably call the fish and game office in Bishop beforehand with some questions. It would be fun to camp up there instead of staying in one of the hotels.
So a real question for you refuge guys. What stops you from hunting public land or venturing out to places with no draw.
Nothing Bill. I venture out & I know a fair amount of guys that do as well. But for the cost of hunting a refuge, it pales in comparison to the cost of a boat or club dues. I think that's a factor for many. But there's plenty of spots that you don't need a boat.

For me, one of the main draws are the snows. Without joining a club or paying for a guided hunt, there's very little opportunity otherwise. I didn't say none, just little.

For sentimental reasons I keep coming back too. Despite some of the hastles, it can be damn good hunting as well.
Nothing Bill. I venture out & I know a fair amount of guys that do as well. But for the cost of hunting a refuge, it pales in comparison to the cost of a boat or club dues. I think that's a factor for many. But there's plenty of spots that you don't need a boat.

For me, one of the main draws are the snows. Without joining a club or paying for a guided hunt, there's very little opportunity otherwise. I didn't say none, just little.

For sentimental reasons I keep coming back too. Despite some of the hastles, it can be damn good hunting as well.

Right on, Matt

A duck is a duck, is a duck...It's really hard to justify (at least for me), to pay 100's sometimes 1,000's of dollars to hunt ducks on a club or Mexico... I can buy a season pass for under a $170.00 and shoot/hunt 3 days a week on wildlife areas and refuges...Add in the freelancing places like the Salton Sea, Henshaw (MCC), and Colorado River that don't cost anything and you have a pretty full season...I would also venture to say, we shoot just as many birds too.

ps...If it was only ducks in Canada & Montana, I probably wouldn't do that either...Goose hunting is unbelievable.

We had a blast Steve! Looking forward to this season. Oh and Tom ended up moving to GA and bought a house with 2.5 acres of woods in his back yard..Going to go out there at the end of October to hunt whitetails with him for the first time. House came with a treestand and all! lol


That's great...He seemed to really enjoy that day.
