Thinking about Switching to 15x Binos from Spotting Scope


Active Member
Apr 9, 2019
Thinking about selling off my spotting scope for a pair of 15x binos. Anyone have input who mainly use binos as opposed to spotter?
It all just depends on what you’re doing. If you want to count inches on mule deer or elk antlers or count rings on sheep…. You need that spotter. If you just want to find more game 15’s are the way to go. I almost never carry my spotter during hunting season. I do use it as a scouting tool. But 15’s are a game changer for finding more animals. And they’re a pleasure to glass through. I hate glassing with a spotter.
I went from spotter and 10x, to 15x and 10x, to 9x and 18x, and now prefer to run 12x and a spotter. I would say your terrain and distances you glass determine what you use.

That said I still have my 15x, but I find I leave them at home because under 2000 yards they give me nothing over 12x.

And I second what Kellen says, find game with binos and get their details with a spotter. So if you are trying to find animals, get 15x or if you are trying to find a specific one, take a spotter.
Thanks, yeah definitely more for the search to find while glassing, appreciate the opinions
Try it. I'd much rather glass with binos than a scope. I think a lot of others are the same way. I would never constrict myself to just 15's though. I'd always want 8/10x on my chest and 15/18x in the pack.
Thinking about selling off my spotting scope for a pair of 15x binos. Anyone have input who mainly use binos as opposed to spotter?
Hmmm. Would be nice to lighten the load. But even at 3.5lbs, can’t imagine not having my Vortex Razor HD 22-48X65 angled spotting scope. Not promoting Vortex just good scopes in general. Just gives so much detail, coverage, and can use while target practicing. Good luck and keep us posted.
Ed is that BTX or a pair up ?
Dual 65's... big eyes... game changer.

I always have a spotter when I'm glassing with 15's or 10's. The only way to evaluate is through a spotter... could save you a lot of miles. Ed F

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