Day 2 Update below!
Grandson Lil’ Drew nailed his first Antelope this morning Northeast of Roswell, New Mexico. It has been raining cats and dogs since Friday, over 4” so far. After a sleepless night due to a midnight fire alarm at the inn where we are staying, we took off to hunt, with guide Justin, in the pouring rain. At dawn we parked and waited for the rain to let up. It slowed so we started to glass as we drove cross country to a high place for a better view. As we reached the crest a buck jumped up from the brush. Lil’ Drew skedaddled from the truck, took a knee and nailed the buck at 200 yds. The buck took a few steps and dropped. The sky opened up and heavy rain started in again. It has not let up all day, dirt roads are impassable, so grandpa has to wait till tomorrow for his turn!
Part 2 below!

Part 2
The rain tapered off overnight after dumping 5” on our hunt location. No fire alarms last night so well rested this morning. We decided to wait to hunt until 6:30 AM to let the roads drain and the mud dry some so we could travel the ranch roads. About 9 we started to see Antelope. Saw a nice looking buck, but the does accompanying him kept us from getting close. Moved on, found another buck, and started to work in on him. However, that’s when two New Mexico game wardens showed up and checked our papers. By the time they had wished us good luck and left, the buck had wondered out of sight. We shortly came upon an even better buck (thank you wardens). Grandpa quickly set up and dropped his buck at 230 yds (280AI, 140 gr Absolute Hammers).

Grandson Lil’ Drew nailed his first Antelope this morning Northeast of Roswell, New Mexico. It has been raining cats and dogs since Friday, over 4” so far. After a sleepless night due to a midnight fire alarm at the inn where we are staying, we took off to hunt, with guide Justin, in the pouring rain. At dawn we parked and waited for the rain to let up. It slowed so we started to glass as we drove cross country to a high place for a better view. As we reached the crest a buck jumped up from the brush. Lil’ Drew skedaddled from the truck, took a knee and nailed the buck at 200 yds. The buck took a few steps and dropped. The sky opened up and heavy rain started in again. It has not let up all day, dirt roads are impassable, so grandpa has to wait till tomorrow for his turn!
Part 2 below!

Part 2
The rain tapered off overnight after dumping 5” on our hunt location. No fire alarms last night so well rested this morning. We decided to wait to hunt until 6:30 AM to let the roads drain and the mud dry some so we could travel the ranch roads. About 9 we started to see Antelope. Saw a nice looking buck, but the does accompanying him kept us from getting close. Moved on, found another buck, and started to work in on him. However, that’s when two New Mexico game wardens showed up and checked our papers. By the time they had wished us good luck and left, the buck had wondered out of sight. We shortly came upon an even better buck (thank you wardens). Grandpa quickly set up and dropped his buck at 230 yds (280AI, 140 gr Absolute Hammers).

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