Tried my hand at Crawfish trapping out here in Idaho. To my surprise apparently a lot the canals, creeks, ponds, lakes and rivers out here hold crawfish and some are pretty big! My wife came across a facebook page from a company called Crayster that makes and sells traps and we noticed they would be at the local gun show last weekend. We went to check it out and I ended up picking up a trap. The dudes were super cool and gave me some info on where to try tossing in. The first day I only had a small window so I tossed into a creek and saw a few checking out the trap but never committed..the next night I tried a creek that ran through a local park but not long after I arrived the cops came and told me I couldn't be in the park after dark..finally the following night I found a spot along the Boise river that I wanted to try. I let my trap soak overnight and pulled it before sun up the next day. It wasn't a big haul like I've seen some people's posts on the Crayster FB group but it was still cool to pull some out. I landed 6 crawfish and decided to add them to a gumbo I had planned to make. Came out pretty good and a couple had big enough claws to get some claw meat out of them. Got intel on another spot that I will be trying come Sunday evening. Looking forward to being able to do a small boil for the fam out here. Some people are able to put 100lbs of them into their freezers after the If I can get even a couple pounds I'd be happy. Just another way to enjoy being in the outdoors out here!

Sausage, chicken, shrimp and Crawfish Gumbo!

Sausage, chicken, shrimp and Crawfish Gumbo!