That's the long term plan. First we need to capture and store the water from our spring.plant some barley...... now is the time
Thanks Bill. I just looked that up. Alfalfa too. I think I'll need to low fence the property to keep my neighbors cows out. They eat everything and brake our water pipes. They move the cows on and off our area at different times of the year. There are many very old oak trees from 200 years ago but ever sense they started ranching 150 years ago the cows eat every single baby oak tree so there are no young trees. The cows are good at keeping all the brush down so the fire danger is low. I'm going to try a bag of seed from Amazon to see if it sprouts with only rain. May need to drag something behind the ATV to get the seed into the ground a little .You can dry farm barley and safflower in a normal rain year. i got a guy that knows how to do it ( old guy that used to do in in OC )