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  1. ilovesprig

    Wet and Wild Today....3-15-25

    Got up to do some scouting, but only made as far as Lake Sutherland...Got home and it started dumping, including hail...Thanking the good Lord for all this moisture....We needed it... :clap: ps...Good day to tune some calls..................:blush:
  2. ilovesprig

    Happy Super Bowl Fella's

    No wild game party at my house these days, but Stefanie and Jacob stepped up..................... :clap: Just finished making spoony chili, teriyaki deer ribs, dove kabobs, dove poppers, and jalapeno speck with cheese.....Yummy.............................:yum I'm ready....Go...
  3. ilovesprig


    Took Otto out this week-end for the youth hunts...1st up was San Jacinto W.A...Started out with a fine pancake breakfast...The hunt itself was a pretty much a bust...One cinnamon teal with the only shot he got...The luncheon and raffle were great...Thank you to all involved, especially Carlos...
  4. ilovesprig

    Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

    Fell about 3 weeks ago getting some decoys for Otto...X rays didn't show a break, but did show show indications of a torn rotator or muscle tear in right shoulder...I literally couldn't raise my right arm and damn did it hurt...Figured the season was over...:confused: Well, a week went by and...
  5. ilovesprig

    NWTF Spring Turkey Tune-Up....2024

    Hi guys, The NWTF Spring Turkey Tune-up is right around the corner....Saturday, Feb 22, 2025...With the great recruitment year that appears that we had...This should be a great season.... :blush: Just got 2 more guided hunts on MCC today...Thanks Dan & Mike...............:clap:
  6. ilovesprig

    NWTF Monthly Meeting Change

    Hi guys, The Hamburger Factory is now closed on Tuesday's...So, starting January 20th...Our monthly meeting will be the 3rd Monday of each month...Start time is still 6:30 pm This meeting coming up is an important one...The spring turkey tune-up is less than 2 months off (Feb 22...
  7. ilovesprig

    Just chipping away at 'em this week

    With no Henshaw, I've been hunting our 2 wildlife areas, Salton Sea, and one of the best clubs in the IV...For the most part, it sounds like it's been tough for guys thru out the west...Pray for rain....:heart: ps...I miss "The Shaw"............... :worried:
  8. ilovesprig

    Happy New Year..........2025

    Happy New Year, fella's.................:party:
  9. ilovesprig

    3 Days of Duck Huntin'

    Otto and I headed to the Imperial Valley after scouting Henshaw Thursday morning (still nothin')...Started at a friends duck club that afternoon and had a good shoot...Boy, if we could only shoot an 1/2 after sundown...Gadwalls and mallards were boat loading in...We then scouted the shrinking...
  10. ilovesprig

    Traditional band-tailed opener 2024

    Tough as expected, but Jacob & I got our bag limit…Fun morning and thank God for Coley....... :blush:
  11. ilovesprig

    Four More Wins.....Go Dodgers!

    How about those Dodgers!.... :clap: Local San Diegans very involved....Tommy Edmon (MVP) went to La Jolla Country Day High School and Dave Roberts went to Rancho Buena Vista High School.........:blush: ps...,,Dave Roberts attended UCLA ( :D ) and Aaron Boone went to USC ( :heart:) ....Should...
  12. ilovesprig

    Chukar & Quail Opener 2024

    Anybody chasing the devil birds or quail this year...All indicators say we had a great hatch on both this spring and summer........................ :clap: This pic is from 1980....Cal and I chasing those ba$tards...........................:mad:
  13. ilovesprig

    NWTF Meeting 10-22-24

    Hi guys, Our next meeting is October 22nd, 2024....Hamburger Factory in Poway....6:30 pm start time....................... :blush: Come meet the new officers and discuss events for 2025, including the Spring Turkey Tune-Up....Lots of turkey recruitment this year....This years...
  14. ilovesprig

    The "16"

    Here's something to shoot for "16'ers"................................... :joy:
  15. ilovesprig

    Trail cam and the best 40

    The cams have soaked for over a month on the best 40 in SD....Just about every walk of life comes to this little water trough and piece of prop............:blush: ps...The times are all wrong........:confused:
  16. ilovesprig

    Montana, including Upland & Waterfowl.....2024

    Took a couple days off after getting back from Canada....Had to check out the numerous pawn shops, Good Willie's, and local Wally World's............:joy: Scouted some waterfowl spots and yesterday did a little prairie dog shootin'....Added a couple of 'yotes as well............. :blush: The...
  17. ilovesprig

    Alberta 2024

    Despite the new restrictions and limiting us to 3 WMU's (hunting zones)...We had a great time and had plenty of opportunities............ :blush: The 3 WMU's we picked were mostly around where we stay, the area we know best, and the farmers who have gotten to know us over the years...What...
  18. ilovesprig

    Took a drive to Wister

    Wister looks fabulous....Lots of changes to some fields, but most of the old standbys were just reworked and planted (Millet)........................:clap: A lot of discing and mowing of tules...Spots that were virtually unhuntable look really good...Some tules will grow back with new water...
  19. ilovesprig

    3 days of scouting & checking cams

    A good 3 days of driving around locally and one day in the IV.........Not a lot of doves seen and the dove drops like melons, corn, and wheat are long gone in the valley...Even MCC with tons of dove weed (turkey mullien) does not have the volume of birds it usually does (a few in a lot of...
  20. ilovesprig

    NWTF Meeting 8-27-24...All things Upland

    This next meeting will be all things upland...With dove season in 10 days, many of us have been scouting the IV and locally...Why pay to get info on quail, chukar, dove. etc?...When you can attend a NWTF monthly meeting and be on hands with guys that know how, where, and what to to do...We'll...

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  • SCHoutdoors was created in January of 2011 by a few people who love the outdoors. The main goal is still the same – bring people together who enjoy the outdoors and share their knowledge and experience.
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