Got the call yesterday my grandpa Pap got the call to the big league. Can’t say how blessed I was to get to enjoy my hero for 50 years not many people are that lucky. He made it to 94 would have turned 95 in September had a special bond with him as I was the first grandchild born on his...
Took my annual trip to hunt my grandpas farm very fortunate to still have him around at 93. My nephew joined me this was his first bow hunt. We were treated with hot weather which kept the deer movement to zilch. Nephew had deer around him daily I on the other hand was snake bit for the most...
Took some time off to visit family and the rewards of that is some bow hunting yesterday was my first day in the field and it did not disappoint lots of little bucks chasing. Its great being in the stand listening to the turkeys and geese while I’m looking for deer
Helped a good friend of mine track down his first ever kill on Wednesday a nice forky with the recurve non the less very difficult tracking job took three hours but found him dead didn’t go 200 yards
Fast forward to Thursday I head up for the evening hunt after work see four does where my buddy...
So watching tv shows or reading magazines or for that matter browsing hunting sights you would think you can’t kill a deer under 700 yards or if your not shooting a 6.5 with adjustable turret or wearing Sitka camo Well my dad just retired this year still shooting his bowtec tribute and using a...
So took out a home loan and want to get new double pain windows installed question is has anyone had this done before have any pointers on what to look for thanks
Well with the day off decided to take the pup and 410 out for a walk looking for some quail. Flushed a covey but they were faster than I was. Walking back I catch these two flying by way to close for a nice double with the 410.
Down in dirty spent two weeks o
Fighting a fire got home late thursday night loaded up the truck. Dad was at my house by 930am friday. Drive 6 hours set up camp glass that evening only little bucks. Next morning pass up 4 legal bucks then my dad spots this one keeps saying just shoot it. I...
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