Inaccurate. This rifle can shoot damn near one hole 5 shot groups at 50 with SK’s and Lapua center x but can’t hit the broad side of a barn with any non lead that I’ve triedInaccurate or extraction?
I have a brick of those at home and so far no luck with any of my .22’s unfortunately.I use Norma Eco Speed-22. They are hyper velocity ones. No complains.
Norma ECO Speed-22
Norma ECO Speed-22 is a Premium Lead-Free Rimfire cartridge for
My buddy and I have both had a tuff time hitting the broad side of the barn with sugar free/unleaded 22Lr I have giving up all together.
But my 17HMR is 1'' MOA at 100 yards all day long using sugar free. Yeah the17 is my go to for rabbit head shots.
17HMR is an awesome roundMy buddy and I have both had a tuff time hitting the broad side of the barn with sugar free/unleaded 22Lr I have giving up all together.
But my 17HMR is 1'' MOA at 100 yards all day long using sugar free. Yeah the17 is my go to for rabbit head shots.
Right! I’ve contemplated a PCP for years but have never pulled the trigger on one. I have a Benjamin break barrel .22 that’s great for rabbits but it’s heavy as all hell so it rarely ever makes an appearance in the field.