Carefully go to the most down wind hill tops and ridges. This time of year the bucks will be traveling those to scent check the area. find active trails in the trees on those high spots. put cameras on those trails. Now go away for a week.When you come back to check the cams just be careful not to stink it up to bad. Pull your cards and go away. If your looking for turkeys then do like lungpopper said get up high and glass and listen but be careful not to trapes all over the place. If no one has been in there then the animals will be sensitive to your invasion. if there is a creek bottom that's a good place to watch also. Good luck.
While on my NWTF draw last month I saw a nice forky around the Bloomdale meadow area.. he trotted off up the hill eastbound. We also chatted with the lake worker there who says he sees lots of "massive" bucks by SD standards that hang out regularly. Turkeys have seemingly disappeared for now though.
Carefully go to the most down wind hill tops and ridges. This time of year the bucks will be traveling those to scent check the area. find active trails in the trees on those high spots. put cameras on those trails. Now go away for a week.When you come back to check the cams just be careful not to stink it up to bad.
LOL the area I hunt the dam wind change's constantly. it's a real headache.
I wouldn't worry about walking all around the property deer season is over. Get out there and walk the bottoms and look for game trails you need to get to know the property for next year and find where they like to live.
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