BLM Rangers and Border Patrol


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2013
on the mountain
I want to discus about the last time My son his wife and I went target practicing at BLM public land.
If any one wants read what I say. Now the subject was brought up on an other post. But felt it was not
Appropriate to hijack that post.

Let say this disclaimer this not to attack or to poop on any law enforcement.

We headed out early to get the family some target practice. We headed east on I 8. Heading to BLM, out in Octillo.
OK, so we getting near our spot. Going up the dirt road. We are stopped by Border patrol. We are headed west, he was coming directly at us. No worries. We both roll the windows down. He politely ask where we are headed to and what were doing there.
I answered in a polite manner. That please be advised we will be target shooting at the base of the mountains so it will be safe.
He said OK no problem. We keep going on our way.

We get to our spot. Get the targets setup, get hand guns and ammo out. Then get the mini 14 ready, the ammo.
Make sure every thing is safe. Guns not loaded ready fire.
Right every thing cool. Get into target practice and then about I say approximately 300 yards away. Border patrol and Blm Ranger start to group up I say about a dozen or more. We stop shooting, making sure all firearms are empty and are opened up.

Then a helicopter shows up starts trying to land 300 or 400 yards away. Making several attempts.
About that time we were shocked what is going on. Are we about to be raided?.
I tell the son and daughter in law. Let's stop and break for lunch.
OK we are watching several ATVs , SUVs,and a bunch of jeeps, and a helicopter. For about a half hour.
So mean while we finish our lunch. They got bored with us and all left. But let me tell you that was a hair raising
Experience. Some thing we talk about today. We continue target practicing finished our day. Headed for home.
Any happy it all ended well.
Watching the copter and jeeps roll up on you guys must've been pretty exciting. Maybe they were interested not in you guys but something else nearby? I've always had great encounters with BP while hunting. The agents I've ran into are usually pretty curious about it, and have offered tips on areas based on game they've seen. The weirdest BP encounter I had was a couple years back, a buddy and I were scouting deep back in a remote area we hadn't been before. On our way out a couple BP trucks fly up the road doing about 75 on a pothole laden road. They stop and ask us what we're up to, I say scouting for hunting, and they ask where were you at exactly, so I tell em. Then they turn around and leave slowly as if a false alarm of sorts. We were thinking maybe we tripped off one of their ground sensors, although we never saw it.
I've only had a couple of negative encounters with BP. Most of the agents are very friendly and will tell you if they have seen game in the area.
I've been approached by BP twice. Once I was sleeping overnight in the back of my SUV in order to get an early start on hiking out to my spot. Agent drives up, asks me a couple of questions and leaves. I go back to sleep. Another time I was set up under a ridgeline a couple of miles from my SUV. I watched them tracking me out to where I was sitting; once they were close enough to have busted my position, I went and met them to save us both the rest of a wasted morning. No worries. They were just doing their job and wanted to know why the SUV was where I'd left it.
I've had the helio thing happen twice once all he wanted to know if I was the ranch mgr. and if he could camp on the BLM land.....the other time we tripped a ground sensor and two guys on foot and the helio in the air guiding them in. The next day the two guys on foot gave us a ride out with our two deer so no complaints from every time I hope they find me when packing out a deer.

Did have a buddy of mine walk up on one sleeping and he gave him a hassle over his guns but all was good the BP didn't know how to check a Blackhawk for ammo.
I hate the border patrol all they are is a big waste of money that are only there to create jobs. I've have been draw on me twice. I've had one say it would be a shame if I took a bullet from one of them I've had him take my ID had been in secondary a ton of times I've never been issued a ticket. Now we just yell a oneanother we just getting big pissing matches about how I won't pull in the secondary and they can search my car right where it is (Actually gets me out of there faster then being cooperative)because I've been harassed for so long. PS if you see Mexicans don't tell them because they'll make you leave the area so much for trying to help

I have had a few good experiences with border patrol but so much bull it's not even worth talking to them anymore. (Learned a great mt quail spot one in secondary )

Blm has been cool to me
SurfNHuntSD said:
Watching the copter and jeeps roll up on you guys must've been pretty exciting. Maybe they were interested not in you guys but something else nearby? I've always had great encounters with BP while hunting. The agents I've ran into are usually pretty curious about it, and have offered tips on areas based on game they've seen. The weirdest BP encounter I had was a couple years back, a buddy and I were scouting deep back in a remote area we hadn't been before. On our way out a couple BP trucks fly up the road doing about 75 on a pothole laden road. They stop and ask us what we're up to, I say scouting for hunting, and they ask where were you at exactly, so I tell em. Then they turn around and leave slowly as if a false alarm of sorts. We were thinking maybe we tripped off one of their ground sensors, although we never saw it.
there was no structures , no people , nothing the one way out and it was blocked by them. miles of open space at the base of the mountains.
well it was exciting but worrisome to. we just sat there and watched the show, stayed calm. and ate our lunch.
been there hundred times never ever had this happen before.

Ghost said:
SurfNHuntSD said:
Watching the copter and jeeps roll up on you guys must've been pretty exciting. Maybe they were interested not in you guys but something else nearby? I've always had great encounters with BP while hunting. The agents I've ran into are usually pretty curious about it, and have offered tips on areas based on game they've seen. The weirdest BP encounter I had was a couple years back, a buddy and I were scouting deep back in a remote area we hadn't been before. On our way out a couple BP trucks fly up the road doing about 75 on a pothole laden road. They stop and ask us what we're up to, I say scouting for hunting, and they ask where were you at exactly, so I tell em. Then they turn around and leave slowly as if a false alarm of sorts. We were thinking maybe we tripped off one of their ground sensors, although we never saw it.
there was no structures , no people , nothing the one way out and it was blocked by them. miles of open space at the base of the mountains.
well it was exciting but worrisome to. we just sat there and watched the show, stayed calm. and ate our lunch.
been there hundred times never ever had this happen before.


I'd rather have them doing that with tax dollars if it was training. Over sleeping in cars like I normally see them
Sdbirds said:
Ghost said:
SurfNHuntSD said:
Watching the copter and jeeps roll up on you guys must've been pretty exciting. Maybe they were interested not in you guys but something else nearby? I've always had great encounters with BP while hunting. The agents I've ran into are usually pretty curious about it, and have offered tips on areas based on game they've seen. The weirdest BP encounter I had was a couple years back, a buddy and I were scouting deep back in a remote area we hadn't been before. On our way out a couple BP trucks fly up the road doing about 75 on a pothole laden road. They stop and ask us what we're up to, I say scouting for hunting, and they ask where were you at exactly, so I tell em. Then they turn around and leave slowly as if a false alarm of sorts. We were thinking maybe we tripped off one of their ground sensors, although we never saw it.

I'd rather have them doing that with tax dollars if it was training. Over sleeping in cars like I normally see them
yes but why train right by us, certainly plenty of space out there. you don't think that was harassment.
flying a helicopter all all round while we are shooting.
should have taken video... i hear they love that
Kinda have the opposite experience. BP, after racing up on me looking bad assed, were actually casual after they saw I wasn't latino. I asked about them seeing quail and they had no tips for me. But they pointed me to a general direction they had seen them before.

Now, BLM, that was another story. I left a message over the phone for one. He called me back, chatted for quite a while and gave up a good quail spot with the promise that if I found them I had to call him back. He also told me about a few more spots to try. Also he told me that the maps posted online are not accurate. Gave me the tip to always carry a GPS and to tell whoever came to give me trouble that I was following my GPS and didn't mean to trespass anywhere. He said it works 95% of the time. Great guy.
Ok after my grumpy rant which was not embellished at all. I went out today met three separate cool as hell agents that really put me in a h I went out today met three separate cool as hell agents that really put me in a honey hole
lost the video and some of the pics
here all we got left


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I interact a lot with BP and cbp and I have to say they are professional and courteous and for the most part cool dudes. Sounds like maybe they used you for a quick training operation and moved on.

They were not threatened by you or the whole thing would have gone down totally different. You guys did the right thing by taking a break till they bailed
Sdbirds they have been on your case since they walked up on you naked trying to take the selfie with a gambles quail on your Johnson...... Hummm I wonder why
La Migra is ok in my eyes never had a bad experience with them and I roam the desert plenty.
I learned to talk nice to the govt guys since they are out there all the time. If they like you they can tell you amazing stuff but if you give them 'tude they are experienced at giving it back. Talk nice, be friendly, and they can tell you what you missed.
Cool so no one has had issues 8), so maybe they decided to do an exercise, training otherwise.. Some of the ranchers. Have not been so lucky. Disputes about grazing rights. But that's an other story. And honestly they have all been curtious. Even at the BP checks. Every time I roll down the window ,I say good afternoon. They OK to go sir. Where I go to hunt I rarely see them. Since I hunt on NF. ;)

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