Only incident I've ever had was with CNF law enforcement......I was scouting turkeys in early March with one of the kids one morning on Lusardi Truck Trail. We had gotten there well before flydown and had driven up the road. It had rained that night, but the gate was open. After doing our thing, we started driving back down. As we get near the bottom and still in the Cleveland, we pass a CNF officer. I wave and keep going. I get to the gate and it's locked. After about 5 minutes, the officer rolls up behind me (were both in my truck). He walks up to my window and with an attitude asks what we're doing on the road. I explained the gate was open and we were scouting turkeys. He questioned why so early and I explained. He then walked to the back of my truck and asked what about the birds in the back of my truck (with camper shell). I said I didn't have any birds in the back and would show him. As I start to get out and mind you, I'm with like a 13 year old boy, he slams the door on me and yells for me to stay in the truck. He then calls for back-up....To both a game warden & sheriff....After about 30 minutes a sheriff shows....The sheriff asks me to get out of the truck (very politely too)....Asks what the problem was, what I was doing, and if had birds in the back of my truck. I said I had no problem just trying to leave, I was scouting turkeys, I had no birds in the back, and I would show him. I opened the back of the camper shell and there are 2 crow an 1 owl decoys in the back. This is apparently what this CNF guy saw. I explained that crow season was open and it was actually legal for me to hunt in the CNF. I also said we had not hunted or shot....He actually said he was sorry for the delay and we were good to go....Later I had talked to a couple of other people about this same guy.....Anti hunter was what I was told. So I met with his boss over at the Goose Flats station about how few places we have to hunt and being harassed like this especially with a young person just wasn't right. He agreed and was very understanding about the whole incident.
ps.....Found out later this agent was transferred out of the area.....He apparently had had a number of other complaints brought against him.
ps.....Found out later this agent was transferred out of the area.....He apparently had had a number of other complaints brought against him.