Well this post is about a month over due but better late than never. Me and @Bonejour appled for NM Audad last year and got drawn. The first two days of the hunt we were required to have a guide after that we were able to DIY. This was an exhausting hunt but man it was one we will be talking about for a long time. I can say that I have a respect for these animals that I didn’t have before the hunt. They have eyes like lasers and can see the slightest movement 1000 yards away.
We had a few misses the second day ranging from 4-700yards it was humbling to say the least. Finally after an 18 mile hike we both doubled at 450 yards on our first Audads. I was shooting my Tikka 260 remington and @Bonejour was shooting his Remington 700 7mm rem mag. It was an incredible adventure and this post does not do it justice but figured I would get the pics up here for everyone to see.
I highly recommend everyone trying to get on one of these hunts at some point in their life. These things live in some of the nastiest and toughest terrain in the lower 48. Before you go make sure you are comfortable shooting long range because more than likely you will be put to the test. Oh and they taste awesome!

We had a few misses the second day ranging from 4-700yards it was humbling to say the least. Finally after an 18 mile hike we both doubled at 450 yards on our first Audads. I was shooting my Tikka 260 remington and @Bonejour was shooting his Remington 700 7mm rem mag. It was an incredible adventure and this post does not do it justice but figured I would get the pics up here for everyone to see.
I highly recommend everyone trying to get on one of these hunts at some point in their life. These things live in some of the nastiest and toughest terrain in the lower 48. Before you go make sure you are comfortable shooting long range because more than likely you will be put to the test. Oh and they taste awesome!