I actually think there's more ducks on Wister.....Wister has plenty of feed, but there's close zones that have always been hunted and they're closed now.....Why?.....I have no idea.....I've talked to Rick and have never really ever gotten a logical answer.....The Salton Sea has always been the close zone.....Now with places like Lake Wister, 114's, Y16C (just opened Y16a & b), S20, and many areas that aren't really huntable (tules & salt cedar), the birds have plenty of fresh water during the day.....The fact that we've basically lost our spoonies and green-winged teal is IMO, a direct result of the dropping sea level.....Back in the 70's, the main bird were pintail.....The last two seasons, it's been gadwalls, widgeon, and even mallards early in the season.....In the 70's you rarely saw a gadwall or mallard.....When the sea was at it's highest, there were clouds of spoonies & teal on the backwaters and barnacle reefs that the rising water created......I'm sure with dropping water, the food base has changed and they've found a better place (Mexico?).....The dynamics of the valley and Wister is changing, and with that, they'll be a change of migration routes and habits.....Probably not for the better.
With a one pintail limit (2 next year), how much pressure can the other species take? And no relief with spoonies and teal.....You're just hunting the same birds over and over again.
The club only gets hunted by two guys, two & half days a week.....It's also near the Sonny Bono NWR, and has good food for all species.....Yesterday, like I stated, was slow too (Moon & dead calm?).....Birds seemed to be very decoy shy.....Maybe it's just that time of year, because these birds are not pressured much.