BuckHunter’s Tag Soup Recipe !


“Venison” It’s what’s for dinner!
Feb 3, 2011
BuckHunter’s Tag Soup Recipe !

1 or 2 unfilled Tags
As many Gas Receipts as you have. (more the better)
1 jug of equal parts of your own Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
1 cup of Shame
1 tps of Failure
2 cups of Disappointment
1 quart of Embarrassment

First take all your unfilled tags and gas receipts and cut them up into bite sized pieces. (easier to swallow)
Put in the blood sweat and tears and bring it to a rapid boil.
Once it comes to a boil add in the Shame, Disappointment, Failure and Embarrassment.
Next add your unfilled tags and gas receipts.
Let simmer for 15 minutes or until the tags are tender.
Stir with an arrow that was pulled out of a tree.
Add salt and pepper to disseminate the bitter taste of "failure".
Serve with memories of failed stalks and missed shots.

Optional: For a small taste of “What could have been.” you can add in some real venison that you had to get from a friend.

Open up a nice bottle of wine and enjoy ! :'(
Funny Shit Jim, Come on you can close the deal with a week left, get out there.
We have so much snow down here in our local mountains that the deer have moved
off the mountain, sucks. Good Hunting
Ill take a large bowl please.With lots of tabasco sause.I watched alot of deer walk by in the last 2 months.The whole time just hoping to get close to one of the big boys in my area.Every time I did I had something in the way so I had to let off.Well after the second week of Dec I stopped seeing the bigger bucks so I moved my set up a little hoping to get a shot at buck that would give Buckhunter a run for his money.Finally I put an arrow in a descent 3x3,25yrds slightly up hill and slightly quartering away,but almost straight on broadside so I took the shot.It looked like good hit,but no pass through.It was quarderd enough that i hit the opposite shoulder on the other side and he ran 60yrds straight into a fence and got through it then turned and ran down the fence line for a about 80 more yrds then stopped and walked up the hill and disapearred into the trees.After a while I went to the spot where I hit him and no blood.So I went to the spot where he crossed the fence and still no blood.Now Im not too happy about it.If you don't get the pass through you don't get fast blood.So I backed out and walked to my truck and drove over to the neighbors house and got permission to go find him.After 2 hours I went in and started looking for blood and only found a few small drops.I spent 3 hours looking for him with no luck,now its starting to rain and then it starts snowing and then I loose light fast so I leave.The next day i return and search for 6 more hours with no luck.There is so many plases he can lay down on this hill side so Im convinsed I walked by him.Still really cold temps so Im not that worried about it.the next day I search for 4 more hours and there he is,big buck! beats Buckhunters easilly no doubt the new leader.Just kidding Buckhunter I never found him.I went back with Lungpopper and Topbuck and we gave it a good effort,we found bones where the coyotes have eaten one of the yearlings but no sign of mine and no arrow any where.Im really bummed out about it I hate to loose a deer I won't shoot if it looks risky at all and this one looked good all the way around but I didn't account for the slight quarter away and it put my shot a bit foward on the other side. And that ends my season, I hope everyone has a good year.
Great story. You had me there. I think Bryce's 2x2 may have the archery 1st place. My 2x3 with 1 eye guard is scored just like a 2x2 so it will be close. Can't wait to get together and swap stories and show off racks later this month or so.

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