Can’t find any information on the City of Los Angeles PWD land north of Lone Pine. Is this public or off limits for a Tule hunt?
It’s good to have a dream,,,,,,,,,,,secure an elk tag first
Step one is a long shot but I’m curious of the land I saw them onsecure an elk tag first
They are required to allow access on the leased land. I drew that tag and every landowner I talked to allowed me access. In fact one rancher told me "I'll let you hunt but you have to gut shoot 5 before you shoot yours"... he was kidding. The elk cause a lot of damage. That was in 2005... not sure if things have changed much. I'm going to draw that tag again... just to piss everyone off. Good luck. Ed F
I have seen a herd east of Lone Pine in the desert area between the river and the base of the mountains. Good luck.