D12 scouting advice needed

Again advice needed!
Thought I had it figured out. Skipped opening weekend so I could give my kid a last chance to fill his deer tag D15. Then I went for a 5 day hunt trip starting last Thursday.
Thursday pm-nothing
Friday am- see them at the alfalfa fields over a mile away across the highway. Also saw a lonely doe, and a lonely fork cruising in the wash.
Friday pm- nothing
Saturday am- see them at fields again.
Saturday pm- relocated to another spot- nothing
Sunday am-nothing in wash, positive in the fields.
Sunday pm-back to original spot, nothing (too depressed to camp-got a hotel room)
Monday am- nothing and called it quits.

So I'm thinking: Hunting pressure, Farm field growth, Moon phase. Either one of those or combination of all three are preventing the deers from retreating back into the washes. What do you guys think? Im heading back this weekend.
Might help but have you tried finding there travel to and from the food source and setup an ambush spot between food and bedding area.
My ambush spot was elevated looking down their routes and their bedding areas. Now they travel the other direction...private land and indian reservation.
Yeah some how they just know. Do you have the onXmaps chip maybe there is a sliver of public land. If not I do have it and would let you use it to see if there is a chance to get one. Me and my hunting partner are tagged out so its not being used.
Big thanks for the offer kabose1. There is a sliver of public land that stretches a few hundred yards from the highway to the fields. Thought about using a bow in there. However the land looks barren and gets its fair share of off roaders. I've thought hard about it but afraid of losing a deer by running back into the no zone. And that is wishing the deers even passes through there. Instead they move laterally to the other no go zones.
Xjon that is tough one. And not an easy solution. If the tracks and scat is there. And it is well traveler path. The trick I think is fiquie out when and where they are moving. If possible set up a camera. Due to hunting pressure they may be moving at night. Possibly set up at pre dawn and try to catch them before they head back to bedding grounds. The camera will tell you if that is the case. And be patient. Sit still for as long as possible.
Be sure to use the best possible scent control . It is possible they have pattern you an know when you are there. So mix it up. Show up at different times and days. Are you washing the clothes with scent and phrophorus free soap?
Be sure to use the best possible scent control . It is possible they have pattern you an know when you are there. So mix it up. Show up at different times and days. Are you washing the clothes with scent and phrophorus free soap?
Have scentlock shirt which i throw on after the hike. Scent free soap yes. Thanks for advice. Getting desperate since thanksgiving and kids bday is coming up. Not sure if I have enough time.

Went out today and as usual they were in the fields for morning. Nothing moving on my side if hwy so I decided to drive deep into the wash. Saw nothing and was heading out another way and I jumped 3 does and 2 kids. No bucks with them but that was all i needed for some hope. Decided to stay and set up for the afternoon. At 2 pm 20+ deer runs into the alfalfa field. Guess they were hanging by the edge and a truck drive by so they went to the field. Then they just started grazing. I couldnt believe that already then more and more kept showing up to join the party. Broad daylight, people target shooting above the field, and off roaders stopping to piss. There were 50+ of them!!! Needless to say, there was none on my side.
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Have scentlock shirt which i throw on after the hike. Scent free soap yes. Thanks for advice. Getting desperate since thanksgiving and kids bday is coming up. Not sure if I have enough time.

Went out today and as usual they were in the fields for morning. Nothing moving on my side if hwy so I decided to drive deep into the wash. Saw nothing and was heading out another way and I jumped 3 does and 2 kids. No bucks with them but that was all i needed for some hope. Decided to stay and set up for the afternoon. At 2 pm 20+ deer runs into the alfalfa field. Guess they were hanging by the edge and a truck drive by so they went to the field. Then they just started grazing. I couldnt believe that already then more and more kept showing up to join the party. Broad daylight, people target shooting above the field, and off roaders stopping to piss. There were 50+ of them!!! Needless to say, there was none on my side.
Do you have any calls buck and doe. Rattle sticks. To simulate bucks fighting. I called in two doe 2 years ago. Did not get much hunting time last year. I used a fawn/rabbit distress call. I posted some else's video years ago.
That's a lot of deer. Try the buck mule deer grunt call. Try to piss off the dominate buck.
Update: Went out today and had the kids with me. We drove and hiked the washes today and same thing...Deers in fields early morning, jumped a solo doe and jumped 5 does. Also found a huge 3x shed while hiking.

Called it quits and decided to take a closer look at the deers in the field for their evening feast. So we went to the other side of the highway and sat on top a hill overlooking the fields. Sure enough, they come out. Only about 20 of them. Mature does, kids and young bucks. There was a 3x3 but very small. Antlers not wider than the ears.

Very glad I took a closer look at them and it made me realize that I am not in the correct area. I need to venture deeper into the wash. I believe that is where the mature bucks are. Although late in the season, I can treat it as scouting for the next time I draw a D12 tag.

Thanks LBH2, I will try to locate my grunt and doe in a can and give that a try.
Dang.......You sure your in D-12?......lol......Guys I've known rarely see many deer.......When they do though, they're quality bucks......Even when I helped with deer & sheep studies, we rarely got many deer on camera.

ps.......I'd keep this spot damn close to the vest.
Dang.......You sure your in D-12?......lol......Guys I've known rarely see many deer.......When they do though, they're quality bucks......Even when I helped with deer & sheep studies, we rarely got many deer on camera.

ps.......I'd keep this spot damn close to the vest.
I wish I could say these were quality bucks...These are young bucks. Even if you are a tribal member and are licensed to hunt at the reservation, these are not the bucks you could brag about. Like I said, I'm sort of glad I took a closer look so I could now concentrate on finding the quality bucks. Bitter sweet knowledge.

ps...if a forky steps onto public land I would take it right now. Im desperate. Since these small bucks aren't coming my way, I'll try to locate some "quality" deer. I will sleep better now. Ya, right.
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This pic was taken with my phone attached to spotting scope. They were over a mile away.
Are kids, fawns?

I'm not sure when the rut is out there, but I would stay close to those does.

Can you get access to the reservation land? I know they allow, or used to, access for upland birds.

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Yes i mean fawns when I say kids. If I say fawns i visualize white spots.

From the field deers i can see them battle and can see a buck scraping a brush. The 3x3 i saw today had velvet hanging from his antlers. So I think it is coming up.

I looked up hunting the reservation and they require you to be tribal member, at least for deer. Not sure about birds.
Young and fresh. Free range, grass fed, hormone free. Only need a combine to harvest legally.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Went last Tuesday and was very eventful day. Got in late and had to run up the nearest high point to glass. Saw group of 3 (1 big doe, 1 med, and 1 fawn) crossing the small saddle of wash. Been watching them for 30min and a coyote comes down and behind them. Not on my watch, I got behind the rifle, coyote moving, whistle, stops, fumble with scope magnification, move, whistle, stop, trigger, nothing, check safety, safety off, wtf, check round in chamber-yes, moving, whistle, shoot-miss. Dog bolts- whistle, stops, estimate range- kentucky windage, shoot-way high. Bogie exit stage right. I suck. Realized the bolt was partially lifted was big mistake. Estimated 500 yards for second shot and dog was 380 yards and I even doubled the come-up for 500 (that was a pot shot).

Saw another group of 4 does- farther away. Followed them until they disappeared. Then decided to walk in deeper to find another high point. 1pm Glassed and either I'm seeing things or I have a buck scraping...too far away even for my 40x spotter. Could be a doe but might be a buck scraping...top of brush swaying. Haven't seen a buck for awhile so decided to stalk it. Range finder found brush at almost 1000m. Estimate another 3-400m past so I set the GPS and go. Just past my 1000m mark I see tails move. I stop and stand still, thought I was busted but no...Deers just went around to the shady side and still feeding. Checked range 170m. Checking for bucks, nope, it was the 1st set of deers that I saw in the morning. Tried to walk slowly past them and was doing good but they eventually took off from all the gravel crunch. Found a spot and glassed looking for any brush swaying or deer bedded under and no luck. 3pm decided to head up a high point again. Saw another set of does after sun set.

Had a great day. Fun filled. Heading out for black friday hunt. Im shopping for a buck...or a coyote if it's a good deal.

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