Duck Opener


Well-Known Member
I hunted an area North of Wister. This spot is normally a diver pond. Today, we had everything coming in. Pins, Redheads, Widgeon, Mallard and tons of Ringnecks. We ran about 50 decoys. I called and worked my dog for the owner. The ducks came in on the call really well and came in hot. The Pins and Ringnecks were relentless. Surprised by the number of Widgeon. Here is a pic of my Lab with our limit we sqeezed in. My older lab was put down back in late August. Spread some of her ashes at the blind. My other lab wore her collar and tags for this hunt. I figured a good way to honor Dakota.

.20201024_142415.jpg20201024_112650.jpg20201024_080553.jpg20201024_065431.jpgI used my over and under today. In the pic, it is empty and cracked open in case anyway was wondering.20201024_142415.jpg20201024_112650.jpg20201024_112650.jpg20201024_065431.jpg

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