Federal Duck Stamps went on Sale Today


Oct 28, 2013
Federal duck stamps went on sale today. Buy extra, they haven't raised the price of stamps in many years. Nice hen and drake Canvasback on the stamp.
Hey I'll need to buy all the duck stuff this year. This will be firt year dick hunting but I have to ask a nib question. Why buy extra? Do I need a stamp for every bird or? As far as price the state raised a lot of other things this year thanks Feds for leaving these alone.
You only need one federal stamp to hunt ducks (not one per bird or anything). And I believe they are only good for the year printed.

I recently read a hunter conservationist call (I think it was in F&S) to buy extra stamps to help pay for duck habitat restoration. The price has been $15 for a long time. Ducks Unlimited has been asking congress to raise it to $25 to match inflation. So I think the 'buy more rally' is asking for people to donate more money to ducks.
Uplandfam, to hunt waterfowl in Ca. you will need the following licenses and stamps.
1) Ca hunting license $ 46.44
2) Ca duck validation stamp $ 20.26
3) HIP Free
4) Federal duck stamp $15.00
5) Ca duck stamp $0
and if you hunt at one of the state or fed wildlife area (San Jacinto, Wister) you will need a Type A either seasonal pass $156.60 or daily pass $?
The idea behind the buy extra, is as msteiger stated. The feds are way behind in charging an appropriate fee to help cover the cost of funding waterfowl habitat. Hope this helps.
don't forget to hunt ducks in Calif you will also need water and ducks :)
You can buy me a stamp. I don't mind. ;D
Everything raises in price. Wish my paycheck goes up as fast as everything else does. I'll keep buying one stamp. Never understood the mentality of people wanting to be charged more for something. I already spend a bunch of money trying to kill those things. There are plenty of organizations that will take your money....... that will do better than our incompetent government.
The mentality of this proves that, if duck hunter don't support these resources, the federal government won't. The old adages states "You get what you pay for". Sluster, be thankful your not getting the same paycheck you got in 1991.
I'll buy one stamp a year. Sorry every one else. I used to but a warden stamp for every car but since everything else went up I stop spending extra. Sorry California wardens but you all make more money then I do and have better benifits enclosing an employer supplied 4x4 truck with ac.
Hey, I wasn't looking for a pissing match about our useless government. On that we can agree. I was looking to share some love for our ducks. Your primary point is "How much is enough?" Well based on my past 51 years of hunting experiences, $15 is not nearly enough. When I started hunting ducks in 1963, a stamp was $3, (Brant on the stamp). I've hunted ducks in numerous other states, and am appalled by what we have in Southern California. First, who ever heard of only being able to hunt ducks on Wednesday, Saturday, and if you live by a Federal wild life area, on Sunday. Let alone drive over 2 hours to get there. Probably because we haven't PAID enough for these resources. Why does California have an additional duck stamp, because they can? And at least California has yearly increases on their duck stamp. This year, went up $.25.
I'm trying to guarantee that my grandson will be able to hunt with me, his grandfather. So for the past 5 years, I've bought him and my hunting partner, his father, duck stamps, so I can take them hunting with me. So the answer to your question to me is, "is $60 to much?" Oh forgot, I also donate one stamp to San Jacinto in case some new hunter didn't get one. The $60 answer is NO, not even close.
Mike (Sluester),

I can speak for CWA on what they've done for Wister & somewhat what they've done for San Jacinto W.A........They've also improved a number of duck clubs for better wintering habitats and spring brooding ponds. In many of the grants, equal work is to be done on private property. In this case, duck clubs.

Wister has had a number of grants thru CWA that have cleared salt cedar from the old dikes. The fields were then lasered for better spring flash irrigation (water needs to be put on & taken off quickly)......All the new water boxes & water structures were provided by CWA. Their full time biologist Chad visits each area. Then gives his recommendations for any new projects. Right now the entire 413 field is being reworked. This area was where the old fish hatchery used to be. It has now been completely removed. This will create at least 4 new hunting sites. The old pipes were crushed into small rocks and that is being put thru-out the area for the betterment of the roads and parking lots. This one project was a million & a half dollars........CWA also fights for our hunting rights on a daily basis and have political clout in Sacramento. They are by far the best hunting organization we have in California (especially for waterfowlers). DU has tried and have won some of the bids at Wister. But they sub everything out and there work has been very much below par. CWA has a very professional crew that do outstanding habitat work.

At San Jacinto W.A. the entire Walker Duck Club was basically converted to a state operated hunting area by CWA. When San J increases in size (as it has been doing). CWA will no doubt be doing most the heavy work.......DU did do a project out there a number of years ago. No value to the hunter as far as hunting access. But it does produce a lot of ducks each spring because it's flooded thru-out.

Our state duck stamp money does not go into the general fund (as out hunting license does). And duck stamp money can only be spent on duck related projects.......California was the 1st state to have a designated duck stamp (1971). Now, most every state has a stamp.

As far as buying more than one stamp?........If you think it helps. Then by all means go for it. My personal feeling is it does little in the big picture.......2 cents
This is all great dialog as well as opinion interjection. I see all sides on this. I am an avid waterfowl hunter who has seen the good, bad and the ugly. I know DU has helped out in the past where I hunt and there are other organizations too. Sometimes it is hard to see any positive when so much is being left lay or taken away.

I am a life member of CWA but have been disappointed as of late due to their political involvement (or lack of) on certain positions. I won't go into the filthy details. I was also a regular contributor to DU but have been turned off by their inner politics as well as their upper management payroll.

Enough said...
I have been enjoying this thread. I am intrigued by the some people advocating buying multiple stamps. The article I read in F&S claimed that hunters were the ones who originally advocated for the federal duck stamp, since it goes directly to buying and maintaining waterfowl habitat.

I only bought one duck stamp. But, I think it's important for us all to remember that most of our fees go to fish and wildlife spending: habitat, hatcheries, management, and monitoring. Hunters and fisherman make the largest financial contribution to conservation in this country. Issues of government waste aside, that gives us the moral high-ground when people want to give us a hard time about 'killing animals'.

Also in response to wackum...I accepted your invitation and read the SDC F&W commission meeting notes from 2013 (on County of SD website?) I didn't see anything there that made me sick. It seems like the are a general advocacy group which thinks about encouraging outdoor activities in SD. They seem particularly friendly to hunters and fisherman. It seems like they are all volunteers and operating on a shoestring budget. Doug Streed is on the council as, it appears, is 'ilovesprig'. What objections do you have to it?
Yikes, what does San Diego Fish and Game "Commission" minutes, have to do with this conversation, about buying an extra Federal Duck Stamps?
CenterMass said:
ilovesprig-Any idea when DFG is going to release their Type A Season passes?

Historically, you can buy your season pass along with everything else as soon as the 2014-15 licenses are available.......This year because of the lack of water (especially NoCal) that will be available on many of our refuges & wildlife areas. I'm assuming they don't know what's going to be ready for the opener (which I don't know what that has to do with buying the season pass).........Here in SoCal we shouldn't have a problem with water. So, I'll be buying mine when they become available.......I'm thinking sometime in late August or September........The 1st state opener should be Oct. 4th (Northeast Region).
CenterMass said:
Yikes, what does San Diego Fish and Game "Commission" minutes, have to do with this conversation, about buying an extra Federal Duck Stamps?

HA ha - the dynamic of a forum. Entertainment even when you don't ask for it.

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