field guide


New Member
Feb 23, 2015
Hello everyone I will be moving to southern California this May I have been reading through prior post and I see I have a hole new game to learn. I am use to hunting the corn fields hard woods and marsh of New Jersey. I spent time in California as a marine but never did any hunting spent most of my time spearfishing. So after looking through all the post I had the thought that it would be a good idea to pick up a field guide I know everyone just Google's stuff now but if anyone knows of a book that would be worth its weight while I'm out exploring? I did a quick search but not sure what book to get.
Welcome CR to SCH........

Actually the game will be similar depending what your wanting to hunt.....I don't know of any one book that will cover all game in SoCal......But I would start with getting the regulations for all species and fish for California. There's like 3 booklets, big game, waterfowl/upland, and fishing......Get to know these well.....Lots of info and by knowing them, it could save you a lot of money.

I'm assuming since your from Jersey that you've hunted whitetail.......Our east county can be quite similar......Oak woodlands, thick stuff, and hollows......Unfortunately, most that kind of habitat is on private property. Public land deer hunting can be high country (Palomar) to deserty (San Felipe W.A.)......You mentioned marshes. That would be normally associated with waterfowl.....Most of that will be done out in the Imperial Valley (about 2 hours away)......It's farmland with the opportunity for both waterfowl & upland game hunting.

Ask a lot of questions and read the regs cover to cover.....Ask away.

ps......There's a DFG office in San Diego.....They have lots of info n their office. Good idea to visit them.


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It sounds like your not new to hunting, so you should be able to adjust to Cali style in no time. It will definitely help to find a hunting buddy or 2. I would recommend you get really familiar with the Ca regs. The rules and regs here are not based on common sence. And some times it seems like they are not in place to protect wild life sustainability, but more to raise funds. So be as informed as you can be.
I have been reading the regs and yes they are a bit confusing. I was actually more for a field guide for plants and that kind of thing. I'll spend this summer learning the regs and put some miles on the truck and blisters on my feet scouting. If anyone wants to come along just shoot me a message.
Our deer are completely different in behavior and how you hunt them...GLASS GLASS GLASS...yeah they like cover & water but no scrapes to hunt no deer stands unless you want.....but why would ya......Most of it is spot and stalk, tracking, hitting bedding areas, pinch points, WATER.......all in one hunt.
For public.....hunting the rut and going where other people won't go is key

I look for a herd of does 5-7 then you'll find the bucks

Good luck!
Guess I need to buy some good binoculars or spotting scope.what's up with this lead free ammo don't they know that's where you get all the flavor from.
Welcome to the form. You stated your are a former Marine. First off thank you for your service. If you are retired you can hunt on Camp Pendleton. They also offer free hunter safety classes. If you want more info PM me.

Hey man,
I'm moving to SD next month. Hit me up if you need a partner to learn the lay of the land ( as I'm new to the open country hunting myself) Im moving out from the wetside jungle of WA state. Just picked up a pair of 10x50 bino's for the new area..
A good set of binos are priceless when it comes to hunting out here. I really like 8 power binos but there are other threads on here discussing binos in more depth. It is a challenging fun hunt out here. May take you a couple seasons to get it dialed in but it is worth it. Thanks for you service and have fun and be safe!
Lots of guys love 10x. I have 12x 50 Leupolds which are super bright and clear, but heavy. And if your hands aren't real steady, go lower mag.
10x42 Swarovski EL's opened up a whole new world........I liked my 10x42 Vortex Diamondbacks too.....Still use them for turkey hunting (lighter)....... ;)
I have Leopold Mojave bx-3's 10x42. I have also looked through vortex viper hd's 10x42 and they are a little better. I have also looked through swarovskis, and they aren't worth the 2000$'s lol great glass but the vortex are dang near as good...
Saving up for something like these...[email protected]&cm_mmca1=BR_Promotions_022615_Optics%20(1)&spMailingID=11661851&spUserID=NDAwOTMxNDIwNzcS1&spJobID=444063164&spReportId=NDQ0MDYzMTY0S0

I have been looking for these little books.....Finally found them.....I used to buy them when I was a kid.....They have them for trees, plants, mammals, and many other things.....They're really great because of their size and info......They're called Golden Nature Guides.

Here's just one on e-bay.



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