i Miss Mike Besaw and my dog Tia a lot.
lil fun story, we were rafted up on the airboats doing a roundup aka drinking boons farm and eating food that' s bad for you. a flight of bluewings came by and buzzed us and as they came back for a second pass Fred said watch this and shot at them. He ends up sending one deep into the weeds. Now he has his bad ass Raney ranch dog that now has titles and is the man! he lines him up and says watch this boys as he sends his dog. the dog rips off on a mission to get the duck. 5 min or so go by and the dog gives up and comes back with out the duck. I figure now is a great time to be show off so i say hey fred want my dog to get your bird. Fred says no way that bird is to far back..... i look at tia who is watching all this go down and say hey girl wana get the bird? she rips out and i go back to eating and drinking boons farm. few min later i hear the snort tia used to do when she got wind of a bird. GAME OVER she came back with the duck.
anyways here is the video of working the dogs in heavy cover

its pretty funny