I have a discontinued Spitfire that works just fine. There have been several comments about the maximum volume. You really don't need a bunch of decibels under "normal" conditions. Now, in a gale, you might have to crank it up a bit, but that's unusual (to be hunting in a gale). The sounds/volume that has worked best for me is to start out LOW with a soft sound (Bay Bee Cottontail or similar) for a few minutes and then switch to an adult cottontail or jackrabbit sound at a low to medium volume for 5-7 minutes. At that point I generally go to almost everyone's favorite, Lightning Jack, for another 5-7 minutes. After that, it's anyone's guess...Lucky Bird, Raspy Woodpecker, ??? and finally Pup Distress. Probably the best caller in our club rarely gets above medium volume, and he calls in a ton of dogs.