
Staff member
Mar 2, 2011
Hey guys.
With tomorrow being the local rifle opener and looks like there is still some rutting activity going on. I'm going to wish you all GOOD LUCK.

I thought it would be cool if you guys could send in a few reports from the field, post some pics if you can. Again good luck to everybody.
Good idea, its like a play by play for us guys who want to be out! Pendleton is closed tomorrow also so I will watching this thread for the" live from field reports."

Come on A22!
Bowhunter_619 said:
Good idea, its like a play by play for us guys who want to be out! Pendleton is closed tomorrow also so I will watching this thread for the" live from field reports."

Come on A22!

If I had to wait for A-22 to come around I'd go nuts. Heading out Sunday with an AO tag along with my hunting buddy. Hopefully one of us flings an arrow at something with horns!
I am going to go out for a morning hunt (D16 Rifle). I am a little giddy!
Ill be out as well. Hopefully only in the morning.... but you know how that goes. I do have the whole weekend to hunt though.
I can promise you I will not be sleeping tonight! Hopefully this little jack in the coke will work but I'M FREAKING STOKED right now. Pack is packed and gone over twice. Hopefully the .243 will get to bark at something huge this weekend!

Good luck boys!! Megrath and I will check in when our phone get service.
Checked my .260 this afternoon and it is more ready than I. We will do the same regarding checking in with the cell phones. Wishing Srfnkill & Mergrath luck to go along with there skill.
Did I say I was gidy? I am...

Can't wait until tomorrow. Bringing Papi the Film crew along. Hoping to get some smashing video!
Wind kept em down out where we were at, didn't see anything. Gonna stick close to home this afternoon and stay outta the wind, I'll check in later.
Wind 5 does 1 forky hunting with a bow my buddy is as well. He said he fell asleep and woke up to a doe stomping and blowing at him within 10 yards

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