Getting my legs ready for the season



IMG_20180408_193002_711.jpg 20180506_164640.jpg 20180506_171336.jpg 20180506_171349.jpg 20180506_173427_Burst01_1525664161641.jpg 20180506_173433_1525664208078.jpg 20180506_171214.jpg IMG_20180506_214634_585.jpg I took the family on an adventure the other day. My daughter enjoys nature just as I did as a kid. Last week we saw a 3ft rosy boa on the trail. I picked it up and moved it to a safe place. This week is was a Southern Pacific Rattle Snake. Grabbed a stick and put off the road in a rocky area so it could hide. Some guy wanted to kill it.. I told him i would move it. He was getting aggressive in front of my family. I had to tell my wife to move ahead. Took my pack off once he saw that he quickly backed away. It was crazy. I couldnt believe this guy. People were telling him to chill but he wouldnt. Snake wasn't bothering anyone. Poor thing was basking trying to digest it's food... I am not violent nor do I condone it, but when it comes to my family you are barking up the wrong tree. Anyways we still had an awesome time. I put 30lbs in my pack. It wasn5 enough. Im going to be training with at least 80 lbs. For the next few months. First picture is the rosy boa then the rattle snake. Hope everyone had a great weekend
If it wasn't a red diamond isn't he entitled to kill it or collect it with a fishing license?

I know I may get beat up but I’ve got to bring some perspective into this.

I have the same question as above.

IF it was not a protected snake then not allowing him to kill it (if he had a fishing license) is a violation. Actually it would have been right to allow him to kill it then reported him. Sorry to say sounds just like the libtards ruining guys deer hunts. Not cool. Stepped on some ones rights. One call to cal tip by the guy and this could get ugly. People could say the same thing about coyotes that “aren’t hurting anyone”. Oh wait they are saying that and we are fighting it. So in the end no difference. Law is law. We can not and should not pick and choose. I would have been pretty hot as well if some one told me I could not exercise my right to hunt a coyote or fish or what ever else.
I know I may get beat up but I’ve got to bring some perspective into this.

I have the same question as above.

IF it was not a protected snake then not allowing him to kill it (if he had a fishing license) is a violation. Actually it would have been right to allow him to kill it then reported him. Sorry to say sounds just like the libtards ruining guys deer hunts. Not cool. Stepped on some ones rights. One call to cal tip by the guy and this could get ugly. People could say the same thing about coyotes that “aren’t hurting anyone”. Oh wait they are saying that and we are fighting it. So in the end no difference. Law is law. We can not and should not pick and choose. I would have been pretty hot as well if some one told me I could not exercise my right to hunt a coyote or fish or what ever else.
I don’t ever beat up on someone if it’s legal because GSP is right, coyotes and other critters fall into the same category as snakes. I just happen to dig reptiles, ever since I was a kid. Fascinated by them, I’ve collected them, bred them. So I applaud moving them off the road so they’re not killed. But no judgement from me for killing them if it’s legal, and I wouldn’t interfere with someone’s right to kill them.
@Mud Pigeon @Gspman I was one of 4 people taking pictures of the snake up walks a guy says he's going to kill it. I said no I'm going take some pictures then move it... He gets huffy and puffy and starts telling me I need to move out of his way. I say no sir. Again I am going to take some pictures and move it. People at this point tell him to just keep walking and not to worry about it. He then starts to approach me. I tell my wife and 3yr old to move on take my pack off and get ready to hand out and old fashion ass whippin. No time to check for fishing license. Besides he didn't know If I or any of the other 4 people would collect it or kill it... I was at Mission Trails Park. Not really sure what the rules are about collecting or killing an animal there. I'll look into it today @Gspman yes sir law is law. I along with 4 other people were photographing the snake before his dumb ass approched.. I only beat up grown men that get to close to me or my family. Also No need to call me a libtard. It's pretty childish. Especially doing it from a keyboard. I'm not liberal nor conservative.... Not Democrat nor Republican... I stand for what is right. No matter what party. No matter what belief.. It's called being a Man. Have a good day thanks for your concern... :cool:
@Mud Pigeon @Gspman I was one of 4 people taking pictures of the snake up walks a guy says he's going to kill it. I said no I'm going take some pictures then move it... He gets huffy and puffy and starts telling me I need to move out of his way. I say no sir. Again I am going to take some pictures and move it. People at this point tell him to just keep walking and not to worry about it. He then starts to approach me. I tell my wife and 3yr old to move on take my pack off and get ready to hand out and old fashion ass whippin. No time to check for fishing license. Besides he didn't know If I or any of the other 4 people would collect it or kill it... I was at Mission Trails Park. Not really sure what the rules are about collecting or killing an animal there. I'll look into it today @Gspman yes sir law is law. I along with 4 other people were photographing the snake before his dumb ass approched.. I only beat up grown men that get to close to me or my family. Also No need to call me a libtard. It's pretty childish. Especially doing it from a keyboard. I'm not liberal nor conservative.... Not Democrat nor Republican... I stand for what is right. No matter what party. No matter what belief.. It's called being a Man. Have a good day thanks for your concern... :cool:
I don't have an issue with any of it, just pointing out that it sounds like you were potentially starting a confrontation or keeping someone from doing what may have been his legal right. I doubt you can harvest anything in a county park but it's not your job to stop him or find out if he has the appropriate license. Expand the distance and imagine anti hunting hikers stopping you from killing a deer or turkey.
I know people love rattlesnakes and they have a place but the ones near my home, dogs or horses meet their demise. 2 king snakes have made it into my garage recently and they got the red carpet treatment.
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@Mud Pigeon the only person starting a confrontation was the person walking up to a group photographing a reptile...... Demanding we step out of his way.... Plain and simple. Now had I walked up to him demanding he step out of my way so I could move the snake. I could understand your logic... The thing that set me off was that my 3yr old daughter and wife were there. I wouldn't care if it were God himself.... Acting aggressive toward someone might get you aggressive behavior in return.. Common sense.......
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@Mud Pigeon I totally forgot to look up rules.. Anyways. Long story short. Guy was in the wrong. The group was on the snake before he showed up.. my name is Steve by the way. Nice to kind of meet you. Any questions about me. Feel free to ask.
I believe every situation has a different approach. That dude should of respected your group space and just kept going. I totally get it that he might have the right to kill that snake but one should have common sense also. If he wanted to harvest it so bad he should of waited for the group to move on and search for it himself or just find his own snake.
I hope everyone has a great evening. And I do mean everyone. Even the guy that was a fool at the park...
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So what I’m understanding is that I shouldn’t walk up behind a couple guys spotting a muley, pull my rifle out, and shoot it- because I have my license and tag?

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Yes sir. It's sounds crazy I know.. LOL.

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