Good Read - "Coyote Hunting" by Phil Simonski

Would be an uphill battle, the general public react a lot more negatively to Coyotes since they are in populated areas taking pets on a pretty regular basis. At least here in OC the public has shown up to city meetings asking what is the city doing to control them. Not like elusive cats they have never seen.

got that and another on eBay for about $5 ea

I buy quite a few old books off eBay, don’t have to spend a lot for some new technique and seem to retain it better from a book than electronically. Even reading through the same subjects there will be a new useful nugget in there. I find the internet great for skimming through but everything is so product focused. Every internet article is going to try and sell you something at the end of it to make it work.
problem with these left wingers is they have no reality, no realistic of what is right or wrong, far as they are concern we are all racist Nazis , gun toted far right racist pigs, in reality we are constitutionalist, which not even close to their perception of us, you would think that surely they see through what is happening, but they are so EMO and the hatred in them for Trump they can't see
they got blinders on and can stand that they are wrong, some have crossed the line from blue to red. but it's slow going,