Heartbreak in A Zone


Active Member
Sep 26, 2013
Ventura County by way of Idaho
I have been waiting 5 long years hunting in California to tell a story on how the perfect amount of preparation led to the perfect hunt with a successful harvest. This is not that story.

I hunt exclusively with a bow so getting out during the rifle season is not ideal but I am not the guy who is going to turn down any day of hunting! Because it is rifle season I thought I would try try out my "new to me" tree stand. I have never hunted out of a tree stand, and it showed. After an hour of wrestling with it as if it was a rabid anaconda I finally stepped up on the platform to start my assent. After another 45 minutes of flailing I finally acknowledged the tree I was trying to climb was too small, in fact all of the trees I could see were too small.

After waiting two hours of good shooting light I abandoned my quest in the tree and set out to a spot where two pretty good trails intersect. I sat there enjoying the scenery for the rest of the morning with no action.

After a short nap I stood to stretch my legs and sure enough I see a nice 2x3 disappearing into the bushes about 55 yards away. He was only in view for a few seconds and because of the brush I had no shot. He was headed into the area where I lost my battle with the tree stand so I had hope he would smell my sent and turn back. I'm not sure if he smelled my scent or not but as luck would have it he made a beeline straight at me.

As he started at me I drew my bow when he went behind a bush, I stood as he went behind another bush and was ready to let my arrow fly as he made his way past the 3rd and final bush at around 8 yards or so but right before he went behind that 3rd and final bush he stopped. And he stared. Not at me but something just past my shoulder. Had he taken those last three steps he would have been broadside at 8 yards. As it was he was slightly quartering to me at about 10 yards. After a minute or sow at full draw he took one step forward with his left from leg and I instantly made the decision that that step opened up his vitals enough for my rage to do its work. I pull the trigger.

Just the day before I was at the range for more than two hours practicing from 20 to 80 yards. At 80 yards I was consistently putting groups of 6 arrows in a pie plate side group. I can confidently say my effective range on a deer would be about 60 yards. But not once in the 20 years that I have been shooting my bow, practicing almost every week like it was a religion, have I ever shot at 10 yards.

Just before I pulled the trigger I could literally see the hairs I wanted my arrow to pass through. But when I released I knew instantly my mistake. The shot was high. I didn't compensate for how close he was. I heard a thwack and I was confident that I got at least part of each lung. I was worried that the arrow only made partial penetration when he spun I could see balm my arrow still sticking out. I shoot a pretty fast bow with rage hypodermics? How could this happen! I also noticed in the split second the arrow penetrated there was no gaping wound like you see on all the hunting shows. I am still wondering if that broad head ever expanded at all.

After about 10 minutes of waiting I went just about 20 yards to see if I could pick up a blood trail. I found half of my arrow but no blood anywhere. I mean not one drop. So I retreated to give him time to expire. After an hour and a half I resume my search. Nothing. I could not even locate his tracks as the trail he ran off on was heavily used. I pulled the trigger around 2:45pm. I stop my search when the sun went down around 8:30. Never finding even one drop of blood.

I have shot several does and even and elk but I have never had the opportunity to take a buck. This happened yesterday and I felt sick. I felt frustrated. I felt embarrassed but most of all I felt guilty. I have walked hundreds of miles and spend hours shooting at the range only to miss a buck at 10 yards. In fact writing this has been very difficult. I am headed back there tomorrow to resume my search. If your religious say a prayer if your not wish me luck. I'm going to do my best to not lose my first buck ever.

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Boy, can I relate to this story...........Hang in there and start that search tomorrow morning...........All the best on finding that buck.
Bummer..being realistic.. It will happen again if you continue to hunt...stay the course..hold the line..never waiver...finish!
been there its a horriable feeling , good luck tomorrow hope you find him !
Worst feeling in the world. Been there a few times. It makes u not wanna hunt anymore. But keep at it. Like hatchet said, if u keep hunting it will happen again. Keep ur head up, and grid all terrain possible. Good luck finding em
This is the stuff that makes bow hunting so much fun. It's hard and even when its a slam dunk its not. Good luck to you.....
ilovesprig said:
Boy, can I relate to this story...........Hang in there and start that search tomorrow morning...........All the best on finding that buck.


may god bless you. and may our ancestors help you with your search
look for the sign it will tell you where it is.

Been there myself. Once on a doe that I tracked for over a half mile with pools of blood every once in a while (where she had laid down) and never found her. And then just two seasons ago, I shot a buck at very close range and , like you, hadn't practiced at that close of a shot. The only blood I found was the tiny amount on my fletching. After posting up my story with a picture of my arrow, several guys said they thought that I hit high and avoided the vitals and spine. You can bet I lost a lot of sleep going over that shot!

Good luck to you, hope you have better results than I did!
I hit a whitetail high in the shoulder a few years back and it still gets to me. Sorry bro... And it was with a rage...
Well I spent every daylight hour looking for him today. Nothing. No blood, no birds nothing that would indicate he went down somewhere. I can't shake the replay out of my head! I shot my bow until 12:30 last night. Definitely switched to my fixed blades until I can do some more research on those short range shots.

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