My brother and I went out last Friday to try and fill our A31 tags. We get to our area and wait for the sun to come up so we can start scouting and come up with a plan to stalk. We spotted a few up high on a ridge so we decided to go after them but on our way we saw two doe in a canyon and switched our game plan. We were doing good with our stalk with the wind in our favor but got busted at 50yrds. One stopped at 68yrds so I pulled back and decided to let one fly but shot between her legs. I only have pins up to 60yrds but figured if I aimed on her back I would be golden but not so much. So those ones got away and my bro and I split up so I could retrieve my arrow while he tried to get to the next canyon to try and locate them again. We met back up and located them again but they were two canyons over. They were not spooked, still trying to figure us out so we thought we would try to get on them again. On our hike towards them we spook up two bucks. One was a nice forky that just walked off slowly(wind was still in our favor) the other which only had a small fork on one side stayed out in the open broadside at 80yrds. We couldn't get any closer and he just walked off. I chased the larger forky for 2-1/2hrs but could never get him closer than 70yrds. This was the first time that I've seen a buck archery hunting in SoCal and I wanted him bad but he got into a thick canyon and I never saw him again.
What is the farthest shot you all would take with a bow?
What is the farthest shot you all would take with a bow?