July 1st is fast approaching


Arizona Game and Fish How to Clean a Jackrabbit - easy and clean!
I use my wife's beef brisket recipe...soak 24hr swimming in BBQ sauce, cook ~3hr@~300? Not sure, meat falls off the bone. Also helps to ask 'em their age before you shoot 'em (in the head to prevent gutsplat and meat ruin). Tender ears=young, tough=old.

Heat kills F. tularensis, so cook meat to the right temperature — a minimum of 160 F (71.1 C) for pork and ground meat and game meat, 145 F (62.8 C) for farm-raised steaks and roasts — to make it safe to eat.
Only killed 1 rabbit and saw 5 at a spot I've always killed a limit at and seen 100+ rabbits wtf

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vincent5253 said:
@Gatorfan what is that inside it? :eek:

It's a bot fly larvae (like the one crawling out of the bunny in the video). We had two with them inside. Haven't hunted the hot months since...
Aeon said:
I'm just saying
Those are BOT fly's, as far as I know they do not affect the meat at all. Just a little weird to deal with them coming out of something you plan on eating.
It looks like a Warble Fly. I've had them in one of my rabbits before. They are pretty gross. I think they are pretty harmless to the overall meat consumption but I won't eat the rabbit. I've had rabbits with ticks and I've eaten those with no problems.

Tularemia is very rare. It's named after Tulare County, where I grew up. I always check my rabbits for spots on the liver.