Last Day Buck...

As the sun was rising on the last morning of the 2022 season....I could not have been more thankful for the incredible year we had......I looked to my right and snapped this photo of my guide surveying the lands below ... ..couple take away here 16ers...#1 get with a guide when you are uncertain what to do and are apprehensive of hunting Large mammals...#2 always take the high ground. All of sudden ..I hear a faint whisper..."got one".. . I looked back to the associate that we had on this hunt and said..."it's go time"...the shear panic yet excitement radiated from his Aura had appeared around his being...after a quick pow wow with the guide...we had a game was time to put it into was time to Finish...and Finish Strong...failure is never an option, I hate to be continued....

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As we started our descent..led by our guide..I started to get a strange feeling as we traversed deeper into hells that very moment...I noticed this peculiar pile of dung.....hmmm..could this be a game changer...would an audible be called?? Oh many decisions...we decided to leave it up to our guide....never ever the guide be continued...

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I we picked our way down to where we had thought would be a good intercept point...I could not help to notice..that our guide was moving effortlessley thru the chaparral and Rock slides...almost cat like...and as sure footed as a mountain goat was everything we could do to keep up with this young outdoorsman...finally..we approached our pinch point...where we had hoped the trophy would show him we lay in wait for what seemed likes hours... visions of grandeur surly raced thru the associates mind...will I see him?? Will I get a shot? Will I miss? What happens next? Oh sweet Jesus....what happens be continued.. that moment..the guide whispers..." Here he comes"..A phrase that brings shear excitement or terror to some...I look out and see a shiny gleaming body with white bony dagger things on his head...206 yds as the lieca reads....i hear the guide tell the associate..." Put it on soon as he stops..send it"...kinda btought a tear to my eye...full circle was upon us....the associate readied his 28nosler...settled that meat stick atop the Jim shockey edition primos shooting stick..and placed the crosshairs just behind the shoulder of the if he new it was his time..the buck stopped and looked directly at the report of the rifle..KAPOOW!! Down goes old horse face....his morning walk had ended...with him going to the cooler.....I'm never hunting without this guide again...he does it all...and the associate could not have been more happy!! A last day ..last morning..last day of the season buck...that guide went 100% in 2 different Ca zones this season..
Keep on eye on this young man.. ..hoping he invites me to the rest of his hunts this year..I know he has several in different states coming up...The end.

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.laid up in bed working from home...I was just informed we have to go harvest 2 mulebucks this weekend in the desert country...hoping my frail body can keep up with this Maddening long as they can stuff me in the truck...I'm good to go! Stand by..I'm thinking it's gonna be an eventful weekend .
Atta boy, the goal is to always raise them to be better than us. Way to go dad!

Side note I called my boys and told them to process the deer in the cooler, my meetings were running late. I get home everything is set up, meats on the cutting board, and they are in the kitchen devouring a whole back-strap. Freaking teenagers! Either thinking with their peckers or their stomachs.
Atta boy, the goal is to always raise them to be better than us. Way to go dad!

Side note I called my boys and told them to process the deer in the cooler, my meetings were running late. I get home everything is set up, meats on the cutting board, and they are in the kitchen devouring a whole back-strap. Freaking teenagers! Either thinking with their peckers or their stomachs.
100% Truth Brother....