Lion following you. What would you do????


Staff member
Mar 2, 2011
Had a lion follow me last night in the dark. It was about 50 yards to my left and flanked me for about 50 yards. I had a buddy about 100 yards behind me so I yelled to him to get his A$$ up to where I was quick. Just before Brad got to me I told him to turn his light off. I turned mine off for a few seconds also. Turned it back on and the lion had gotten closer to us. I turned it off again for a few seconds and turned it back on again and again it was getting closer. At this point it was about 40 yards out.

Neither one of us had a gun, we were going in to help pack a deer out so we were just carrying our packs.

What would you do?

Throw a rock and branch or something, but For God's sake, don't hurt it............You know what happened to Bruce for killing one with his bow at 15 ft............. ::)
I will NEVER go out into the woods with out a side arm. That side a will ALWAYS have a light on it. Plus my head lamp plus my hand held. I also ALWAYS have a very large knife on my hip. If it's dark and I'm in a place the does not allow fire arms I stop for the night. But an old Boy Scout trick is be loud all the time. A cow bell works or bells on the boots.
I would be scared and cower!

Tell us the rest of the story please!
When I go to retrieve game I always figure that something else is going to want my kill. I carry a firearm. And threatened by a cat I think I would SSS.
You know the story but for the rest of you I got followed a couple years ago almost to my car solo only a bow and the next morning I saw the biggest lion I have Everseen attack a cow and I still go running around in the dark
This is exactly why I want to start hunting with a partner. I'm always by myself walking pretty far in the dark. Not sure I've ever been stalked, but who knows.

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dano626 said:
This is exactly why I want to start hunting with a partner. I'm always by myself walking pretty far in the dark. Not sure I've ever been stalked, but who knows.

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yeppers ;)
OK so Brad gets up there with me and its obvious this lion is getting closer. Without really thinking about it I tell Brad watch this.
I take off running right at it as fast as I could. About half way there this lion is holding his ground and I think this is going to be a fight, but I'm committed so its going to happen. I can see the cat clearly at this point and I'm gaining ground quick.
Luckily at around 15-10 yards it turned and ran.
Lungpopper said:
OK so Brad gets up there with me and its obvious this lion is getting closer. Without really thinking about it I tell Brad watch this.
I take off running right at it as fast as I could. About half way there this lion is holding his ground and I think this is going to be a fight, but I'm committed so its going to happen. I can see the cat clearly at this point and I'm gaining ground quick.
Luckily at around 15-10 yards it turned and ran.

It must have finally seen your grill..........j/k......... :D

ps.....I'm still throwing rocks...... ;)
Lungpopper said:
OK so Brad gets up there with me and its obvious this lion is getting closer. Without really thinking about it I tell Brad watch this.
I take off running right at it as fast as I could. About half way there this lion is holding his ground and I think this is going to be a fight, but I'm committed so its going to happen. I can see the cat clearly at this point and I'm gaining ground quick.
Luckily at around 15-10 yards it turned and ran.

This is what I visualize and mentally practice, but with knife in hand. I ain't gonna freeze like some damn rabbit

12 years ago I was rabbit hunting out in az with my grandpa. Down a dirt road miles away from any town we come across a mid 50s woman walking in a nice Sunday dress. We ask if she's ok, she says "yes, just going for a walk", and we continue on our way thinking she's crazy. It was over 90* and we assumed she must have lived at a ranch, maybe 2 miles from where we saw her.

Flash forward 2 years later, I'm visiting my grandpa and he says "remember that lady we saw walking down doll baby rd?" as he pulls out a newspaper. "Yeah", I say as he points to a picture in the paper. It was the same lady. She made the paper because she had single handedly killed a mountain lion that was in the process of killing her 9 ranch dogs. Her young grand kids were spending the night so despite living out in the sticks, she had locked all her guns in a safe since she had the little ones running around. In the heat of the moment after hearing a ruckus with her dogs outside, she couldnt find the safe key. Her dogs were getting mauled and the lion was not slowing down, so she went at it with a shovel. She managed to kill the lion while sustaining some cuts herself, but in the middle of the night, after the battle, she loaded up the dead lion, a couple dead dogs, the rest of the dogs (most of which also wounded), and her grandkids in her truck and headed to town for the vet, where they then made her go to the hospital.

After I said wow, that's amazing, my grandpa says while laughing, "And we asked her if she was alright"
When I bow hunt I always have my swing blade in my hand while walking in and out of my stand to and from my truck.

I have my bow strapped high on my pack so hopefully the cat would get a mouth full of bow instead of my neck of skull. But if I was in your situation solo, I'd sh$t.

Gun season. I'd shoot it period.... My life is worth more to me then the trouble I'd be in
Nice work LP; glad your experiment worked. I went to FF and bought bear spray after Ghost and I walked up on that fresh lion kill in August. I'm in the market for a .357 or .44 mag, but for now, and for bow season, bear spray would give me another option within 30 feet or so.

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