I suggest you attend the spring turkey tune-up at San Vicente Reservoir Feb 21st......You can draw for spots on basically private land that is owned by the City of San Diego (1st pic).....As for other spots, unfortunately you've hit the area on a down cycle for turkeys. I scout or go out most every day......Flocks are at about half of the highs and the jakes are almost non-existent.....It is possible that the jakes have already left some winter flocks, but I didn't see them before either......These pix are from this morning......71 birds in this flock.....61 hens and 10 longbeards......Not a single jake......Same spot a year ago had over 30 "longs" in it......The year before there were over 30 jakes.
I've never seen a turkey in Love Valley. Although, I've been told other people have.....The public areas around Julian are normally the spots to be......The birds right now are almost all on private property. When dispersal starts, there's always that change that wondering gobbler will hear you.
I also added a video of birds right before roost time (Feb. 24th, 2014).....Over 30 gobblers.....This year there's about 12......We only shot one out of this flock.