I had been walking around with my SIL for the last week looking for some local deer. Spotted a 3x4 with 4 does 2 days straight. Day 3 was the first day of muzzle loader. We set up about 200yds away from each other on a trail they had been using to get to their beds. Got there before first light and settled in. Nothing.
9.30 am shotguns started going off in our area. We decided to pack it up and head back to the car. 50 yds from the trail head and we bumped our buck. He bolted but she gave me another look. Bang. First shot with a muzzle loader.

9.30 am shotguns started going off in our area. We decided to pack it up and head back to the car. 50 yds from the trail head and we bumped our buck. He bolted but she gave me another look. Bang. First shot with a muzzle loader.

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