Went to the Bow and Arrow Shop today to find a new bow.After watching endless videos and reading a crap load of reveiws,I had it narrowed down to PSE and Bowtech,If you look at the technology and features in each of their "flag ship bows",then it really does not make a bit of since to buy anything else.Bruce and the guys there set up a PSE X-FORCE EVO,and a Bowtech Invasion for me and I shot them both over and over.I gotta say I loved them both,both bows are extremely fast and smooth and quiet,but to me the EVO won hands down.0 vibration,0 hand torqe,and ultra fast and silent.The nail in the coffin for me was price.Although the Invasion might have been a little bit smoother on the draw,I think the EVO felt better in my hand,and it is a couple hundred bucks cheaper.So I am now the pround owner of a X-Force Dream Season Evo.It is shooting 317fps@ 66.5lbs and 28.5" of draw. 0 to 30 with 1 pin.There is no visible arrow flight,you pull the trigger and arrow appears at the target.I am totaly stoked.